Thursday, October 22, 2020

Review: City of Bones

City of Bones City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments Book 1) by Cassandra Clare-Notes & Highlights

This is the first time that I am re-reading this series and I love it!

These quotes are from a quick Google search, “city of bones by cassandra clare ebook,” that I found on this website!

The quotes are also from my personal collection of quotes from Google Keep.

So I made this picture for my “➰Trance (No Vocals)” Spotify playlist.

And when I say “made” I really mean that I found it on Google and fixed it up a bit to fit on Spotify. Total side note, but God I love this picture so much!

Here is the original picture:

So as you can see, these are the adaptations of the main characters. And in the left picture you can see that Clary’s arm is way too high to match up with her collar bone, so I just painted over that. In my opinion, I think the left representation is way better than the initial movie because of the hair and Jace’s eyes are more like how they are described in the books. And to be honest, Clary in this picture reminds me of Hannah from “Foreign Exchange”.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 4:25 PM
I got this one at Goodwill! I was so excited to see it there.

I also own the audiobook! I got an audiobook credit from one of the Summer Reading Challenges!

I won this pendant on Twitter! It was when the TV show "Shadowhunters" was airing (around 2016)! Now it's in my Shadowhunters shrine.
I put it on City of Bones because it is the book that started it all! :D

2013 Film

2016 TV Show

“‘So,’ Simon said, ‘pretty good music, eh?’

‘Mmm-hmm.’ Clary knew perfectly well that he came to Pandemonium with her only because she liked it, that he thought it was boring. She wasn't even sure why it was that she liked it— the clothes, the music made it like a dream, someone else's life, not her boring real life at all. But she was always too shy to talk to anyone but Simon.

‘I feel,’ Simon went on, ‘that this evening DJ Bat is doing a singularly exceptional job. Don't you agree?’

Clary rolled her eyes and didn't answer; Simon hated trance music” (4-6).

“Jocelyn recognized reading as a sacred pastime and usually wouldn’t interrupt Clary in the middle of a book, even to yell at her” (22).
I have been thinking about this quote for a while now and I finally found it! I originally thought that it would in City of Fallen Angels, but little did I know that it was in the first book! LOL In my memory, I thought it was a scene where Clary was in her room, but she was in the living room instead. I like this quote because it is about reading.

“The door flew open. Jocelyn gave a little scream.

‘Jesus!' Luke exclaimed.

‘Actually, it's just me,' said Simon. ‘Although I've been told the resemblance is startling.' He waved at Clary from the doorway. ‘You ready?'” (Ch. 2, 28).

“‘I'll get the coffee if you find us a seat. What do you want?' 

‘Just coffee. Black--like my soul'" (Ch. 3, 36).

“‘You're familiar with the motto of the Covenant?'

Sed lex dura lex, said Jace automatically. ‘The Law is hard, but it is the Law’” (108).

“‘Get the hell off me, you pretentious asshole,' the intruder snarled, shoving at Jace. He struggled halfway into a sitting position, his battered glasses askew" (114).

“‘You're my best friend,' Clary said. ‘I wasn't mad at you.’

    ‘Yeah, well, you clearly also couldn't be bothered to call me and tell me you were shacking up with some dyed-blond wanna-be goth you probably met at Pandemonium,' Simon pointed out sourly. ‘After I spent the past three days wondering if you were dead.'

    ‘I was not shacking up,' Clary said, glad of the darkness as the blood rushed to her face.

    ‘And my hair is naturally blond,' said Jace. ‘Just for the record'" (Chapter 8: Weapon of Choice, 115).

“She wondered how often he let glimpses of his real self peek through the faรงade that was as hard and shiny as the coat of lacquer on one of her mother's Japanese boxes" (138-139).

“There was a date inscribed on the base, 1234, and words inscribed around it: NEPHILIM: FACILIS DESCENSUS AVERNI.

Jace's grin was a white flash in the darkness. ‘It means Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234.”’ 

It means, said Jeremiah, The descent into Hell is easy.


‘It's the Brothers' little joke, having that here,' said Jace. ‘You'll see’” (179).

“How exhausting, Clary thought, to fight all your life and then be expected to continue that fight even after your life was over" (181).

“...faint and sickly green" (220).

“‘All knowledge hurts,' he replied" (233).

“Jace was muttering to himself. “Think, Wayland, think—”

Something began to take shape in the back of Clary’s mind. A rune danced against the

backs of her eyelids: two downward triangles, joined by a single bar—a rune like a pair

of wings ….

“That’s it,” Jace breathed, dropping his hands, and for a startled moment Clary

wondered if he had read her mind. He looked feverish, his gold-flecked eyes very bright.

“I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before.” He dashed to the far end of the roof, then

paused and looked back at her. She was still standing dazed, her thoughts full of

glimmering shapes. “Come on, Clary.”

She followed him, pushing thoughts of runes from her mind. He had reached the

tarpaulin and was tugging at the edge of it. It came away, revealing not junk but

sparkling chrome, tooled leather, and gleaming paint. “Motorcycles?”

Jace reached for the nearest one, an enormous dark red Harley with gold flames on

the tank and fenders. He swung a leg over it and looked over his shoulder at her. “Get


Clary stared. “Are you kidding? Do you even know how to drive that thing? Do you

have keys?”

“I don’t need keys,” he explained with infinite patience. “It runs on demon energies.

Now, are you going to get on, or do you want to ride your own?”

Numbly Clary slid onto the bike behind him. Somewhere, in some part of her brain, a

tiny voice was screaming about what a bad idea this was.

“Good,” Jace said. “Now put your arms around me.” She did, feeling the hard muscles

of his abdomen contract as he leaned forward and jammed the point of the stele into the

ignition. To her amazement she felt the motorcycle thrum to life under her. In her

pocket Simon squeaked loudly.

“Everything’s okay,” she said, as soothingly as she could. “Jace!” she shouted, over the

sound of the motorcycle’s engine. “What are you doing?”

He yelled back something that sounded like “Pushing in the choke!”

Clary blinked. “Well, hurry it up! The door—”

On cue, the roof door burst open with a crash, torn from its hinges. Wolves poured

through the gap, racing across the roof straight at them. Above them flew the vampires,

hissing and screeching, filling the night with predatory cries.

She felt Jace’s arm jerk back and the motorcycle lurch forward, sending her stomach

slamming into her spine. She clutched convulsively at Jace’s belt as they shot forward,

tires skidding along the slates, scattering the wolves, who yelped as they leaped aside.

She heard Jace shout something, his words torn away by the noise of wheels and wind

and engine. The edge of the roof was coming up fast, so fast, and Clary wanted to shut

her eyes but something held them wide open as the motorcycle hurtled over the parapet

and plummeted like a rock toward the ground, ten stories down.

If Clary screamed, she didn’t remember it later. It was like the first drop on a roller

coaster, where the track falls away and you feel yourself hurtling through space, your

hands waving uselessly in the air and your stomach jammed up around your ears. When

the cycle righted itself with a sputter and a jerk, she almost wasn’t surprised. Instead of

plunging downward they were now hurtling up toward the diamond-littered sky.

Clary glanced back and saw a cluster of vampires standing on the roof of the hotel,

surrounded by wolves. She looked away—if she never saw that hotel again, it’d be too


Jace was yelling, loud whooping shrieks of delight and relief. Clary leaned forward,

her arms tight around him. “My mother always told me if I rode a motorcycle with a

boy, she’d kill me,” she called over the noise of the wind whipping past her ears and the

deafening rumble of the engine.

She couldn’t hear him laugh, but she felt his body shake. “She wouldn’t say that if she

knew me,” he called back to her confidently. “I’m an excellent driver.”

Belatedly, Clary recollected something. “I thought you said only some of the vampire

bikes could fly?”

Deftly, Jace steered them around a stoplight in the process of turning from red to

green. Below, Clary could hear cars honking, ambulance sirens wailing, and buses

puffing to their stops, but she didn’t dare look down. “Only some of them can!”

“How did you know this was one of them?”

“I didn’t!” he shouted gleefully, and did something that made the bike rise almost

vertically into the air. Clary shrieked and grabbed for his belt again.

“You should look down!” Jace shouted. “It’s awesome!”

Sheer curiosity forced its way past terror and vertigo. Swallowing hard, Clary opened

her eyes.

They were higher than she had realized, and for a moment the earth swung dizzily

beneath her, a blurring landscape of shadow and light. They were flying east, away

from the park, toward the highway that snaked along the right bank of the city.

There was a numbness in Clary’s hands, a hard pressure in her chest. It was lovely,

she could see that: the city rising up beside her like a towering forest of silver and glass,

the dull gray shimmer of the East River, slicing between Manhattan and the boroughs

like a scar. The wind was cool in her hair, on her legs, delicious after so many days of

heat and stickiness. Still, she’d never flown, not even in an airplane, and the vast empty

space between them and the ground terrified her. She couldn’t keep from squinching her

eyes almost shut as they shot out over the river. Just below the Queensboro Bridge, Jace

turned the bike south and headed to the foot of the island. The sky had begun to lighten,

and in the distance Clary could see the glittering arch of the Brooklyn Bridge, and

beyond that, a smudge on the horizon, the Statue of Liberty.

“Are you all right?” Jace shouted.

Clary said nothing, just clutched him more tightly. He banked the cycle, and then they

were sailing toward the bridge, and Clary could see stars through the suspension cables.

An early morning train was rattling over it—the Q, carrying a load of sleepy dawn

commuters. She thought how often she’d been on that train. A wave of vertigo swamped

her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, gasping with nausea.

“Clary?” Jace called. “Clary, are you all right?”

She shook her head, eyes still shut, alone in the dark and the tearing wind with just

the pounding of her heart. Something sharp scratched against her chest. She ignored it

until it came again, more insistent. Barely opening an eye, she saw that it was Simon,

his head poking out of her pocket, tugging her jacket with an urgent paw. “It’s all right,

Simon,” she said with an effort, not looking down. “It was just the bridge—”

He scratched her again, then pointed an urgent paw toward the waterfront of

Brooklyn, rising up on their left. Dizzy and sick, she looked and saw, beyond the

outlines of the warehouses and factories, a sliver of golden sunrise just visible, like the

edge of a pale gilt coin. “Yes, very pretty,” Clary said, closing her eyes again. “Nice


Jace went rigid all over, as if he’d been shot. “Sunrise?” he yelled, then jerked the

cycle savagely to the right. Clary’s eyes flew open as they plunged toward the water,

which had begun to shimmer with the blue of oncoming dawn.

Clary leaned as close to Jace as she could get without squashing Simon between them.

“What’s so bad about sunrise?”

“I told you! The bike runs on demon energies!” He pulled back so that they were level

with the river, just skimming along the surface with the wheels kicking up spray. River

water splashed into Clary’s face. “As soon as the sun comes up—”

The bike began to sputter. Jace swore colorfully, slamming his fist into the

accelerator. The bike lunged forward once, then choked, jerking under them like a

bucking horse. Jace was still swearing as the sun peeked over the crumbling wharves of

Brooklyn, lighting the world with devastating clarity. Clary could see every rock, every

pebble under them as they cleared the river and hurtled over the narrow bank. Below

them was the highway, already streaming with early traffic. They only just cleared it,

the wheels grazing the roof of a passing truck. Beyond was the trash-strewn parking lot

of an enormous supermarket. “Hang on to me!” Jace was shouting, as the bike jerked

and sputtered underneath them. “Hang on to me, Clary, and do not let—”

The bike tilted and struck the asphalt of the parking lot, front wheel first. It shot

forward, wobbling violently, and went into a long skid, bouncing and slamming over

the uneven ground, whipping Clary’s head back and forth with neck-cracking force. The

air stank of burned rubber. But the bike was slowing, skidding to a halt—and then it

struck a concrete parking barrier with such force that she was lifted into the air and

hurled sideways, her hand tearing free of Jace’s belt. She barely had time to curl herself

into a protective ball, holding her arms as rigid as possible and praying Simon wouldn’t

be crushed, when they struck the ground.

She hit hard, agony screaming up her arm.” (Ch. 15 High and Dry, 287-292).

I like this scene because it’s the flying motorcycle scene. The “Shadowhunters” TV show showed this and it was almost how I pictured this scene.


So I was looking through my files in my Google Drive and I saw this. It looks like I started to make a screenplay based on the first scene in City of Bones. The last edit on this Google Doc was 3/30/16.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Review: Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List

Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan-Notes & Highlights

I was watching the movie for this book while I was updating these notes.

My Kindle Notes & Highlights for Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List from Goodreads:

I got this one recently online.

“The complexity embedded in the different levels of meaning that go along with the words “I love you” ought to be a whole mindfuck of a video game, if anyone ever wanted to develop the concept.”

(Naomi: Shiver, 4)

“Like Naomi, who was not only hot but actually happened to like having thoughts. I’d found, in my very limited dating and only-slightly-less-limited friendship experience, that there were a lot of people who treated thoughts like they were a nuisance. They weren’t intrigued by them. They didn’t go out of their way to prolong them. But Naomi valued the fine art of thinking. The only hitch was that I didn’t know what she was thinking. I imagined Ely would have a better idea.”

(Bruce the Second: Dial, 16-17)

“I understood the “Don’t worry.” Because I’ll admit: I didn’t want it to be Naomi in the elevator. I wanted to stay like this. I wasn’t just enjoying Ely’s company; I was enjoying my own as well. “Let’s listen to music,” Ely said. I said sure, assuming he’d turn on the stereo in the living room. But instead he led me to his room, which was covered with poems he’d xeroxed and photographs of his friends, Naomi especially. He scanned his computer for the album he wanted, then pressed play. I recognized it immediately—Tori Amos, From the Choirgirl Hotel. It seemed to loosen itself from the speakers as it fell into the room. I thought Ely would sit in a chair or lie on the bed, but instead he lowered himself down on the hardwood floor, facing the ceiling as if it was a sky. He didn’t tell me what to do, but I lowered myself next to him, felt the floor beneath my back, felt my breathing, felt…happy. Song followed song. At one point, I realized I’d left my phone in my jacket, which meant I wouldn’t hear it if it rang. I let it go. There was something about our silence that made me feel comfortable. He wasn’t talking to me, but I didn’t feel ignored. I felt we were part of the same moment, and it didn’t need to be defined.”

“No,” he finally said. “I don’t think you’re boring. I do think there are times you don’t allow yourself to be interesting…but clearly that can change.”

(Bruce the Second: Dial, 19-20)

Here is a YouTube playlist of Tori Amos' album, From the Choirgirl Hotel:

“The University Place Stitch ’n’ Bitch knitting circle is hot with rumor over that one.”

(Bruce the First: Insomnia, 26)

“And I love it, because my love for her has absolutely nothing to do with that. I love her because she’ll hold the elevator for me even if heading downstairs without me would make more of a point. I love her because if she sees a shirt that she knows will look good with my eyes, she’ll buy it for me, even if she can’t afford it. I love her because when I feel like putting my head in an oven, she’ll gently take it out and bake me cookies instead. I love her because she can curse like a sailor and could no doubt sail like a sailor, too, if she put her mind to it. I love her because even though she doesn’t always tell the truth, she always feels like she should. I love her because I don’t need to love her all the time.”

(Ely: Key, 41)

“No. No no no no. It is not easy. Things that matter are not easy. Feelings of happiness are easy. Happiness is not. Flirting is easy. Love is not. Saying you’re friends is easy. Being friends is not.”

“I’m saying it to all of them. But really, I’m saying it most to Shaun. To Bruce. To Naomi. Not because I think it’s all my fault—I know it’s not all my fault. I guess I’m sorry is a way to say I want it to be better. Even if it’s difficult. Even if it hurts. I have to stop hiding behind who I am. I have to stop hiding behind the things other people expect from me and the things I expect from myself. I have to try.”

(Ely: Easy, 199-200)

“I’m looking at it now. The imprint we scratched when we were twelve still remains: Naomi + Ely 2gether + 4ever = 6ess.”

“It’s like Naomi always used to say: Life tells you to take the elevator, but love tells you to take the stairs.”

(Ely: Corner, 209)

“I turn around to leave, embarrassed, but he presses his hand against the door to keep it from opening. (He really is a bad doorman.) Then he places the softest, sweetest kiss ever on the back of my neck. “We’ll get there,” he whispers in my ear. I got my kiss, I got my k-i-s-s.


“What I really wanted was an uno, dos, tres–threesome with both of you. Love and happiness, Donnie Weisberg.”

(Naomi: Closets, 219)

U 2,” he signs to me. I almost tell Ely that Gabriel qualifies for the No Kiss List™ as much as Bruce the Second does at this point, but I don’t. I want to keep this one for myself, for now. So I just say, “ .”

(Naomi: Closets, 222)

“I think about that as I head over to Bruce’s, and I think that as hard as we try, it still sometimes feels like we all speak different languages. Even if we share all the same words, meanings can be different. And the mistake isn’t in speaking the different languages, but in ignoring the fact. I thought Naomi and I had perfectly matched up our vocabularies and our definitions. But that’s just not possible. There are always meanings that are different, words that are heard differently than they’re said. There’s no such thing as a soulmate…and who would want there to be? I don’t want half of a shared soul. I want my own damn soul. 

I think I’m going to learn to appreciate the word close. Because that’s what Naomi and I are. We’re close. Not all the way there. Not identical. Not soulmates. But close. Because that’s as far as you should ever get with another person: very, very close. 

That’s what I want with Bruce, too. 

I want to be close. 

It’s bullshit to think of friendship and romance as being different. They’re not. They’re just variations of the same love. Variations of the same desire to be close.”

(Ely: Close, 223-224)

“She doesn’t believe it. He has to let her know. They’re meant for each other—they both feel it—but only one of them believes it. It’s time to take action, even if it’s not easy. It’s time to use the truth as a form of persuasion. I realize that.”

(Ely: Close, 225)

“We always see our worst selves. Our most vulnerable selves. We need someone else to get close enough to tell us we’re wrong. Someone we trust.”

(Ely: Close, 227)

“Friendship is love as much as any romance. And like any love, it’s difficult and treacherous and confusing. But in the moment when your knees touch, there’s nothing else you could ever want.”

(Ely: Close, 229)

“It’s a total lie to say there’s only one person you’re going to be with for the rest of your life. If you’re lucky—and if you try really hard—there will always be more than one.”

(Ely: Close, 230)

Gabriel: Tracks (Page 104)

1. Graduation Day - Chris Isaak

“This is the song for both of us: the past."

2. (My Heart Is) Closed for the Season - Bettye Swann

“This song is for Lisa."

3. Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle & Sebastian

“This song is for you and Ely."

4. The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had to Swallow) - The Jam

“This song is for you and Ely, me and Lisa."

5. Criminal - Fiona Apple

“This song is for Bruce the First."

6. Blizzard of '77 - Nada Surf

“This song is for my parents."

7. A New England - Kristy MacColl

“This song is for my mother."

8. It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City - Bruce Springsteen

“This is my mother's song for me. Jersey girl."

9. Basketball - Kurtis Blow

“This is my father's song for me."

10. Inspiration Information - Shuggie Otis

“This song is for the sake of the song."

11. The Message - Grandmaster Flash

“This song is for you."

12. Ne Me Quitte Pas - Nina Simone

“Cette chanson prend trop de place. (Merci, Mr. McAllister, you bilingual freak. You fill up elevator space just like this song does.)"

13. F-Word - Jens Lekman

“Jag valde den hรคr sรฅngen sรฅ at du skule bli fรถrรคlkkad i mej. I chose this sonv to make you fall in love with me. (Thank you, Mr. Karlsson, the unexpected Swede in the penthouse apartment. Or should I say ‘tahkk'?)"

14. Walk through the Fire - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

“This song is for you and your mom."

15. Come into My World - Kylie Minogue

“This song is for the gays."

16. A Fond Farewell - Elliott Smith

“This song is for Bruce the Second."

17. As - Stevie Wonder

“This song is for Ely."

18. Blue Yodel - Merle Haggard

“This song is for the yodel."

19. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend - The Ramones

19. a. If I Was Your Girlfriend - Prince

“This song is for the both of us: the future?"

Naomi's Tracks (Page 162)

1. Livin' on a prayer - bon jovi

2. (You drive me) crazy - Britney Spears

3. Don't waste your heart - Dixie chicks

4. Poprocks & coke - green day

5. Bootylicious - destiny's child

6. Asleep on a Sunbeam - Belle & Sebastian

Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List Movie Soundtrack: