About Me

Hello, my name is Denise and I love to read books! I would say that I first started to love reading in high school. My favorite subject in school was English. I loved getting assigned a new book to read and I own some of those books now because I feel like they meant a lot to me in my life. I would always read during lunch. I think that The Mortal Instruments book series by Cassandra Clare really got me hooked on reading. I was first introduced to her after I saw the movie. I love fantasy the most because I can just escape into another world and forget about my own problems and watch these characters go on these adventures and go along for the ride. As I continued my reading journey I have made a whole routine when it comes to reading. I have to have certain music playing and/or rain in the background as I listen to the audiobook and read. I want to truly feel like I am in the world of the story I am reading. That is why I am rereading all of the Shadwohunters novels and I want to read each book thoroughly and make notes and highlights. That is one of the main reasons for me creating this blog. I hope to be a lifelong reader and grow my bookshelf collection as I grow old. I would take a picture of my bookshelf to show you, but I don't feel like it's complete. I need a bigger one, but I hope to get a whole wall dedicated to my dark drown mahogany wood bookshelf one day (hand-hewn cherry bookcases mentioned in Murder at the Bookstore by Sue Minix). Anyways, thank you for reading this page and getting to know me as a bookworm. 🐛

This is a pic I saw on their website.

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