⚰The Vampire Chronicles

“Anne Rice will live on through the ages of literature….To read her…is to become lightheaded as if our blood is slowly being drained away.”

San Francisco Chronicle
💓 I love this review so much! When I read Anne Rice I feel lightheaded too! I have felt that many a time while reading her books! <3
This review was taken from the last page of my personal copy of The Tale of the Body Thief.

Lestat de Lioncourt
"Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story" [the graphic novel] by Anne Rice and Ashley Marie Witter (Adapter/Illustrator) {published 2012}

My TVC Reviews

1. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice:


“‘There is something obscene about this novel. It makes the lives of these beings seem attractive. You don't realize it at first; it's a nightmare and you can't get out of it. Then all of a sudden you're comfortable there. You want to remain. Even the tragedy of Claudia isn't really a deterrent’” (The Queen of the Damned 172).

5. Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice: https://denisesreadingweblog.blogspot.com/2023/02/review-memnoch-devil.html

8. Blood and Gold by Anne Rice: https://denisesreadingweblog.blogspot.com/2023/07/review-blood-and-gold.html

Louis de Pointe du Lac
"Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story" [the graphic novel] by Anne Rice and Ashley Marie Witter (Adapter/Illustrator) {published 2012}

⚰ How I Got Into The Vampire Chronicles:

I remember first reading them when I was a teenager in high school. I used to read only at night because the story was about vampires and it only seemed fitting. My family was really loud and I couldn't hear my audiobook, so I would sit in a chair in the backyard to get some silence, at night of course. I think I was first exposed to this story from the 1994 movie DVD that I saw in Mexico of all places in 2016 probably. I loved the story so much when I watched it on the small T.V. that I wanted to know more of the story, so I researched it and the rest is history, as they say. I read them all online through Ebooks I borrowed from my library. I saw The Queen of the Damned movie and didn't like that it was not true to the source material, but I liked the movie as a separate entity. I was amazed at the writing and the description of the blood swoon. When I read it I felt like I experienced it in my own way. I read all of the books over the course of two years I think, it's been a while, so forgive me if I get some details wrong. After I finished reading the series I took a break from Anne Rice. Then I heard of her death and I was extremely saddened by the news and I wanted to reread the books, but felt I couldn't because of the rawness of her passing. I felt connected to her writing and it was such a huge loss for all her fans. Then I heard news of AMC doing a series adaption a year before it came out and put it in my calendar. I forgot about it for a while then I saw it was going to premier on October 2, 2022, so I thought that it would be the right time to reread the series. It has been a year since the passing of Anne Rice. I want to read a book a month if I can in order to wait for season 2 of the new series, which I am obsessed with! And so here I am!

I started to reread The Vampire Chronicles on the day that the new AMC series began on October 2nd, 2022. So far I have read one book from TVC each month thereafter, so since there are 13 books in the series I think I will be reading book 12 when season two airs in October of 2023 (hopefully!).

I still remember getting ready to watch the new AMC series. It was the weekend of my 24th birthday and I had just gotten Burger King and lots of Hot Cheeto popcorn. It was absolutely perfect! Ale was in her room doing Ale things and my parents were off somewhere, so I was alone in the living room super excited to watch this new adaptation. At first I wasn't expecting much because of how adaptations always change things, but I was willing to accept Louis as a black man because the actor who played Louis, Jacob Anderson from England, really captured the essence of Louis. It didn't matter that he didn't match the physical description from the books. I of course fell in love with the actor who played Lestat, Sam Reid from Australia. I thought he fit the physical book description perfectly and he embodied the character of Lestat exactly! I was confused at the beginning of the first episode because I thought it was an actual commercial playing for the first five minutes, but it was actually part of the show. I thought that I didn't pay for the right AMC + subscription, but I did and I was just confused at that part. So I instantly was obsessed! But that first sex scene in the first episode does get ya going, huh? XDDD

"Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story" [the graphic novel] by Anne Rice and Ashley Marie Witter (Adapter/Illustrator) {published 2012}

I always watch this guy's reviews of the books because I love that he is passionate about Anne Rice. I remember him mentioning that he named his son after Quinn from Blackwood Farm and I thought that was so cool!


And these "Lost in Adaption" videos are interesting to watch too.

Vampire Chronicles Explained YouTube Playlist by Vampire Folklore:

"Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story" [the graphic novel] by Anne Rice and Ashley Marie Witter (Adapter/Illustrator) {published 2012}

The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice 

YouTube & Spotify Playlists

The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice YouTube Playlist:

These are some songs and artists that were mentioned in the mythically beautiful Vampire Chronicles books by Anne Rice.

⚰️IWTV (Interview with the Vampire) Spotify Playlist:

This is music inspired by the AMC series and The Vampire Chronicles books.

IWTV Classical Music Spotify Playlist:

This collection of music is from The Vampire Chronicles, the AMC series, recommendations from Lestat himself, and inspirations. You can use this playlist while you read TVC or when you're in a vampire mood.

This is The Vampire Lestat Spotify Playlist by chris:

I love this playlist because it has all of the 80s rock songs that Lestat would love! XD

The Vampire Lestat Spotify Playlist:

80s rock music Lestat would have listened to in 1984. “I was enchanted by the world of rock music--the way the singers could scream of good and evil, proclaim themselves angels or devils, and mortals would stand up and cheer” (The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, page 5).

Gabrielle de Lioncourt
"The Children of the Darkness" [the graphic novel] (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #5) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Daerick Gröss (Illustrator), John Bolton (Cover Artist), Vickie Williams (Letterer), David Campiti (Editor), Anne Rice (Original Author) {published 1990}

Anne Rice Comics

Interview with the Vampire comics: 

The Vampire Lestat comics: 

The Queen of the Damned comics: 

The Tale of the Body Thief comics:

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