Sunday, January 29, 2023

How To Count A Book

I just wanted to write down how I calculate how much I read.

For reading one book a month 

First: I count how many chapters there are in the book.

Second: I write down how many days are in the month.

Third: I divide the number of chapters by the number of days in the month. 

Fourth: I round up the number if I need to and I find out how many chapters I have to read per day. And just for good measure I multiply the result I got by the number of days in the month. I didn't do this one time and I was all off in my reading, so I want to do this from now forward so it doesn't happen again.

For example, let's say that a book has 34 chapters and the number of days in the month is 31. I would do this equation: 34 ÷ 31 = 1.0645161... ➡ 2 chapters everyday

2 x 31 days in the month = 62

So if this result is 62 that means if I read 2 chapters a day I will finish the book earlier than normal, I think...

(example numbers taken from my reading of The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice)

If I borrowed a book from the library I would do the same thing, but instead of the numbers of days in a month I would use the number of days that I have the book for. They usually allow us to have the book for 21 days, so I would calculate how many chapters divided by 21 days.

I made a video about this here:

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