My Reading Progress

I have decided that after 2023's Summer Reading Game that I will not continue logging in how many minutes I read. I will do that when the Winter Reading Program and Summer Reading Game comes along.

Denise's Reading Log

I will be posting my entries to the Summer Reading Program for June 1st - August 1st, 2022.
I will be posting my entries to the Winter Reading Program for December 12, 2022 - February 12, 2023.

I don't like how Goodreads shows my recent updates, so I would rather showcase my daily reading entries in a table, like the one shown above. This doesn't mean that I won't continue updating my Goodreads daily. You can see how much I have read for today on the right sidebar. ➡

My weekly reading goal is 140 + minutes and I will update my Goodreads profile to help me reach that goal. My weekly reading deadline will be 12AM every Sunday!
The rows highlighted in green will be weeks I have achieved my weekly goal and the rows highlighted in red will be weeks I have not achieved my goal. I don't know if I should reward myself for reading everyday. What would my reward even be? Hmmm.

I got inspired to create my own reading program because I have participated in my state's reading program for years and I have won books from completing the challenges. I loved that experience so much that I made my own goal!

Maricopa County Reads!:
  • Join to get started on your reading adventure!
  • Reading for 20 minutes a day helps build a strong lifelong reading habit. (140 weekly/my original was 60+ mins. weekly)
  • Reading is fundamental for developing literacy skills!
  • That's right, whether you're a bookworm or an audiobook aficionado, all reading counts!

Winter Reading Program:
  • Reading 20 minutes a day will build the foundation for a lifelong reading habit.
  • Whether it’s e-books, newspapers, classics, romances, graphic novels or audiobooks, all reading counts!
  • What counts as reading? (from the FAQ page) Reading in all formats counts! You can count minutes spent reading graphic novels, magazines, newspapers, audiobooks or even reading aloud to someone else!

This is the video that inspired me to create these tables too. ⤴️

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