Saturday, December 31, 2022

My Year in Books (2022)

This is a screenshot from my email. "See your 2022 Year in Books"

From my Goodreads profile page

Review: The Children of the Darkness

The Children of the Darkness The Children of the Darkness by Faye Perozich
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I read this entire issue in 32 minutes.

View all my reviews

The Children of the Darkness (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #5) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Daerick Gröss (Illustrator), John Bolton (Cover Artist), Vickie Williams (Letterer), David Campiti (Editor), Anne Rice (Original Author)

They drew Gabrielle like a French silent movie actress with those eyebrows.
That hair and eye ughh <333

Review: Viaticum for the Marquise

Viaticum for the Marquise Viaticum for the Marquise by Faye Perozich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this entire issue in 26 minutes.

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Viaticum for the Marquise (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #4) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Michael Okamoto (Penciler), Daerick Gröss (Illustrator), Casey Bernay (Assistant Colorist), Vickie Williams (Letterer), John Bolton (Cover Artist), David Campiti (Editor), Anne Rice (Original Author)

Nickistat hug! <3
Nickistat kiss!!! <3333
How gorgeous he is!
I love those sparkles! 🤩
Two such beautiful creatures!
I would be so happy to wear that costume too, Gabrielle!
That lip bite tho! 🥵

Review: The Legacy of Magnus

The Legacy of Magnus The Legacy of Magnus by Faye Perozich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this entire issue in 27 minutes.

View all my reviews

The Legacy of Magnus (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #3) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Michael Okamoto (Penciler), Daerick Gröss (Illustrator), Casey Bernay (Assistant Colorist), Vickie Williams (Letterer), John Bolton (Cover Artist), Anne Rice (Original Author), David Campiti (Editor)

Poor baby! 😭
This fucked me up so bad!!! XD🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Lestat looks so majestic here! 😍
So sad!!! :'((((((

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Review: Lelio Rising

Lelio Rising Lelio Rising by Faye Perozich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this entire issue in 42 minutes. I really enjoyed all the Lestat butt panels! XD

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Lelio Rising (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #2) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Daerick Gröss (Illustrator), Vickie Williams (Letterer), John Bolton (Cover Artist), David Campiti (Editor), Anne Rice (Original Author)

I love how they drew Gabrielle here! It's almost like she is a princess! <3

Review: Downtown Saturday Night in the Twentieth Century

Downtown Saturday Night in the Twentieth Century Downtown Saturday Night in the Twentieth Century by Faye Perozich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this entire issue in 29 minutes. They really captured Gabrielle's beauty in here!

View all my reviews

Downtown Saturday Night in the Twentieth Century (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #1) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Joseph Phillips (Penciler), Daerick Gröss (Illustrator), Vickie Williams (Letterer), John Bolton (Cover Artist), David Campiti (Editor), Anne Rice (Original Author)

I think that the AMC series did a homage to this comic.
I saw a BTS photo of this scene where Sam was on an apple box, but I can't find it :,(
I found it! It was in a Instagram Highlight from @immortal_amc. Their wallpaper collection. It turns out he was just on the stairs.
I found the real one I was talking about!

I really love how this page looks! 😍
The words of Interview with the Vampire in the background of the panels! 🤩
I love Gabrielle's curly hair! <3
Nicki looks so hot! 🥵

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