Wednesday, May 17, 2023

All Together Now!

This is the front page. My username is DeniseFigueroa.
This is the back page.

This page was featured in my reading journal. I got this cute flyer when I was picking up my book. It was in the shelves where you retrieve your held items.

The above brochure and the one below are from the only Tolleson public library. It was so cool in there! More information is in my reading journal.

By the way, I scanned all these pictures with my printer/scanner.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Pretty Insta Pics!

More Library Insider for May 2023

A beautiful picture of the desert.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Ready & Excited!

I am ready and so excited! :D

Maricopa County Reads - #maricopacountyreads

I signed up at like 12am May 1st cuz I was so excited! XD 

I wish there was an option for your avatar to hold a book. I think that would be so cute!!!!

Glendale Library Insider for May 2023

They always have such pretty flowers in their emails.

AleBooks Avatar

I assisted Ale in making her avatar for this years reading program. Look how cute it is! ☺️ She chose the username of, "AleBooks," because she said that when you say her username out loud it sounds like, "all books," or something like that.