Thursday, December 28, 2023

My Winter Reading Badges

Amazing! You've earned 100 points! Earned on 12/18/2023

Hooray! 200 points! Earned on 12/18/2023

Excellent! Earned on 12/19/2023

Congratulations! Keep reading to be automatically entered into weekly drawings! Earned on 12/23/2023

500 points! You did it! Earned on 12/23/2023

You earned this badge for completing the challenge: The Winter Reading Challenge Earned on 12/24/2023

Amazing! Earned on 12/24/2023

You earned this badge for completing the challenge: Books that made us readers Earned on 12/24/2023

You earned this badge for completing the challenge: Mindful Moments Earned on 12/24/2023

Just keep reading! Earned on 12/27/2023

Excellent! Earned on 1/4/2024

You've earned 900 points! Earned on 1/13/2024

Challenge: GoodReads Best of 2023, I didn't earn this one, but I enjoy the pic.

Winter Reading Survey Banner Pic

A cute banner picture for taking a survey on the Winter Reading site.

Review: French Twist

French Twist French Twist by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My last reading session was 42 minutes. I finished reading this book on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 1:21 a.m.

View all my reviews

French Twist: A Detective Luc Moncrief Mystery (Detective Luc Moncrief #3) by James Patterson with Richard DiLallo

So the day that I finished reading Murder at the Bookstore by Sue Minix (Thursday, December 7, 2023) was the day that I decided to see if I can get a library card from the Maricopa County Library District. I went on their website and signed up and got my electronic library card in my email. I looked around to see if I could get a physical card version, but I didn't see anything. So then I went to return my Phoenix book and drove to the Fairway library in Sun City, which is the closest library in the MCLDAZ system to me. I scanned the shelves for the thinnest books I can find. XD Then I asked for a physical card and checked out with the librarian. I thought it was small in there. I like that this book is a short read.

I also wanted to add that I was thinking in my head that if I go to the Fairway library, I just have to get a book! It's like I can't go in there and NOT get a book! That would be rude of me as a certified bookworm! XD <3



Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Novel Talk

With so much content available in video form these days, reading is on the decline. But when you're feeling vaguely dissatisfied with your life, there's nothing better than picking up a good novel and imagining yourself right there in the action with the characters. That's the power of a novel. Novels can suck you in and make you forget about the bills that need paying, the house that needs cleaning, and your approaching medical tests and treatment. If you're looking for advice on what to read, Novel Talk has you covered.

Plenty of people out there have convinced themselves that they don't like books. If you're one of those people, we've got news for you: you just haven't found the right book? Finding the right book is about matching the tone and plot of the story with your day dreams. Avid readers who long for adventure will love the latest Michael Crichton thriller while lonely singletons will devour romances by Nora Roberts. Even children who swear up and down that reading is for losers will soon be lost in the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. What's the right book for you? We can help you figure it out.

Reading can be an expensive hobby - hardcover novels retail for about $30 apiece while paperbacks and ebooks cost about $10. If you read more than a few books a month, you can reduce your book buying budget with a few Novel Talk tricks, such as checking out your local library, buying second hand, and trading among friends in your art group. If you're looking to save money on books or find a hard to locate book that's out of print, we can point you toward valuable but under utilized resources such as Amazon Marketplace and Google Books.

Most people think of reading as a solitary activity, but did you know that reading can actually help you meet like minded people? It's true! Whether you decide to share your thoughts about a book you read on a popular topic or join a book group at the library, talking about reading can not only deepen your understanding of the novel but also strengthen your connection with other people who share your opinions on the book. If you're bursting with opinions on what you've read and have no one to share them with, we can give you some outlets.

Reading is also an important first step in learning the elusive craft of writing. If you spend a lot of time at home reading novels, you may eventually find yourself thinking: I could do this. If it feels like time to put your money where your mouth is, we can share tips on planning, writing, editing, and publishing your own novel. Who knows, someday we may end up talking about your book here on Novel Talk! But for now browse our store of articles on the popular novels of today and yesterday.

Anne Rice ASMR

My favorite Anne Rice ASMR. 38:45 + My favorite part!

Google Play Books Bookmarks Icon

Cute icon!

Friday, December 15, 2023


Hello, reading blog. I am feeling guilty about not reading for this first week of the Winter Reading Program For Adults. I was quite busy this week with a new work project that took up a lot of my time. I felt tired from that and reading was not in my cards sometimes. I was planning to continue reading Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, but that has to wait until I finish my two library books from two different library systems! LOL XD Anyways, I think my new plan is to prioritize the Sarah Dessen book and then the shorter book from the Maricopa County Library District second. I hope to catch up to Ale in her reading! Wish me luck, reading blog! :-*

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

❄️Winter Reading Program For Adults: Let's Get Started!

I like that pic for my avatar.

* Goal: read/enter at least 60 minutes every week to be entered in to win weekly drawing prizes

The Winter Reading Program is an online reading program for adults! The program runs from December 11, 2023 – February 11, 2024.The goal of the program is to foster a love of reading, promote the value of adult literacy, and build a sense of community among adult readers.

📚Closest Library: Fairway Library
15 mins. away
9.2 miles away from my house

Friday, December 8, 2023

🪪 All Of My Library Cards!

The first one is my Phoenix library card. I got it on Sunday, August 21, 2011 (I was 13 years old).
The second one is my Glendale library card. I got it on Saturday, June 11, 2022 (I was 24 years old).
The third one is my Maricopa County Library District library card. I got it on Thursday, December 7, 2023 (I was 25 years old).

Review: Murder at the Bookstore

Murder at the Bookstore Murder at the Bookstore by Sue Minix
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 10:01 a.m.

View all my reviews

Murder at the Bookstore by Sue Minix-Notes & Highlights

This is my copy from the library.

I went into the Desert Sage Phoenix Public Library and browsed the book sale, and there was nothing good, per usual. Then I went into the actual library space and walked to the right where the new books section is and browsed there for anything good to read. I found this book and liked the book cover, so I thought that I would enjoy it.

From Libby

1. Went to return book
2. Drove to Fairway Library and got physical card and checked out short book
3. Went to Main Library to check out Ale book to read w her separately (what happened to goodbye Sarah dessen)

* I love the little kitty on the book cover, the coffee aspect, and that it takes place in a bookstore. I also really love that the bookstore on the cover says, “Ravenous Readers.” That is so adorable!

* I just noticed that the pages of this book remind me of those magic treehouse books I used to read. I really liked the book pages from those books.

* I smelled the book pages, and since this is a new released book that was in the new books section of the library and was released this year, the book pages smell like new book pages, a hospital, and a nursing home for some reason. Very nice! It smells like an office building too.

* Damn! I’m only five pages into this book and it’s already a big mood!

* Large coffee mood in here too!

“In a display of coordination I’d never even experienced in my dreams, she settled with a dancer’s poise into the seat opposite me and placed a cardboard cup of coffee on the table. ‘Here’s another round. Cream, two sugars, the way you like it.’

I hefted it toward my lips, and the picture that always made me smile caught my eye. Aletha in an oversized wingback chair with a tiger-striped kitten asleep in her lap and an open copy of To Kill a Mockingbird in her hands. Ravenous Readers in cloud letters floated above her head and below: Books Make the Best Friends.

‘Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.’ Steam tickled my nose, and just one small sip instantly warmed me all the way down. Perfect” (2-3).

I love the coffee cozy vibe and the bookstore name!

“Aletha had named her new bookstore Ravenous Readers with the hope Riddleton actually had some. She’d lined the walls with hand-hewn cherry bookcases, giving the place the feel of some rich guy’s private library” (4).

I like how that bookcase looks! It’s like the one on my wish list.

“In the front of the store, more tables, and a comfy couch with a couple of wingback chairs covered in low-key brown-and-gold-striped fabric tempted folks to settle in for a good, long read.

‘I love this place.’ Circulation restored, my bottom reunited with my well-padded seat. ‘You’ve made it personal, not like one of those chain stores.’ I twirled my not-so-lucky monogrammed pen on the table. ‘You have a gift for atmosphere, and I can’t imagine writing anyplace else” (4-5).

The atmospheric description here is perfect. From the chairs and tables, this really sets up the story!

* This book reminds me so much of Gilmore Girls!

“I took a large swallow from my cup. With luck, the caffeine would travel straight to my brain” (6).

“A hint of coffee mixed with ink filled each breath” (63).

* So I have started listening to the audiobook for this book, and the narrator keeps putting on a country accent for any other character that’s not the protagonist. I find that very annoying of her to do. It’s like she doesn’t know how to do any other kind of accent!

“I inhaled the bouquet as if the mug contained expensive red wine instead of store-brand java” (131).

“I paused at the steam spiraling out of my cup, but ventured a careful sip” (132).

* I love that Jen and Russell went to Burger King when they went for lunch in Savannah! I love Burger King! Now that I read that I want some Burger King damn it! Haha! XD Jen said that she got fries and a Whopper Junior. Russell got a Double Whopper. I would have gotten an Impossible Whopper if I joined them in on their lunch.

* I love the part at the end where Olinski gave Jen a puppy from that dog who saved her. I thought that was so cute!

“The past had no place in my new future” (326).

I like that quote! <3

Friday, December 1, 2023

December Library News (Maricopa County Library District)

New Library Card Designs

MCLD library cards have a new look! The six new designs celebrate things that are uniquely Arizona.

Winter Reading Starts Soon!

Get ready to read with us this winter! Starting December 11, log your points for the Winter Reading Program. You just might win some prizes along the way -- including tickets to a spring training baseball game!