Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Review: Lucky Man

Lucky Man Lucky Man by Michael J. Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finished listening to this eAudiobook on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 4:07 p.m.

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Lucky Man by Michael J. Fox-Notes & Highlights

I borrowed this eAudiobook from the Phoenix eLibrary. I listened to it while I worked and also while I did my skincare because I had no new podcast episodes to listen to. I like to listen to audiobooks during these times.

“Acknowledge my love for him.”

Michael was talking about his dad while he was writing his manifesto. When he was writing that it made me think that this action was needed because all of his trouble had to be released onto paper. I liked this quote.

This is one of my favorite excerpts.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Review: The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 7

The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 7 The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 7 by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this entire volume in two days. I borrowed it from the Cholla branch library. The first time I tried to get it I arrived too late at the library, so I had to get it the following day. I can't believe that this was just published like a month or two ago and my library already has it! I love them for that! I remember these scenes from City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4) by Cassandra Clare City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare Cassandra Clare. I not too long ago was re-reading the book via Eaudiobook from my library XD. I wish they would put the scene where Simon and Jace go to the supermarket and some girls are staring at Jace XD. I hope that part comes in the next volume. Anyways, I always love when these graphic novels get published and I love reading them SO much! I CANNOT wait for the next volume to be published!

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The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 7 (The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, 7) by Cassandra Clare (Goodreads Author), Cassandra Jean (Goodreads Author) (Artist)

The library book I borrowed.

I listened to my ➰Trance (No Vocals) Spotify playlist while I read this book.

So romantic! <3 I love their hands here.

I love this one too! I wonder what it sounds like.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Review: Angela's Ashes

Angela's Ashes Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My last reading session was 350 minutes. I finished reading this book on Monday, February 5, 2024 at 3:36 p.m.

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Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt-Notes & Highlights

Ale first read this book for school when we lived in the trailer. She had to read it in a week because school was starting soon and she didn’t receive the notice until late. Then months later we visited a Goodwill and I found this book again! I told Ale about it and Mom bought it for her. So now I just finished reading it! Initially, Ale and I were supposed to read it together, but Ale got busy. I borrowed Ale's book to read, and now she can finally have it back! =D I also borrowed the Eaudiobook from my local digital library on Hoopla.

* One of the scenes we read today had a scenario where Frank stole some bananas from the Italian grocery, and the Italian grocery owner came over to the boys and gave them a bag of fruit so the twins could stop crying because he could hear them from across the street. This is where I thought Frank would tell the Italian the truth, but he didn’t tell him anything. I really thought that Frank would tell him what he did, just like they do in every children’s show. But I guess considering their desperate situation it does make sense that he wouldn’t because if he did, he would have broken their trust with the grocer. Also, the grocer gave a hint that he knew that Frankie liked bananas. Maybe the Italian did see that he stole some and gave them leftover fruit anyway. I also remember that Ale and I read these beginning passages at the green square in our neighborhood with Mr. Twenty.

“He drinks his tea and tells us stories and shows us letters and words in the Daily News or he smokes a cigarette, stares at the wall, runs his tongue over his lips” (24).

Ale said that she thought that this sentence sounded poetic. I suppose it does, Ale. Myes, indeed.

“It’s lovely to know the world can’t interfere with the inside of your head” (202).

I like this quote. I think about this too, Frank.

❔ Questions I Have While And After We Read:

- Why do people have children?

- What's the purpose of having children?

- Is having children considered an investment?

- Why do parents always want to adopt babies instead of older children?

- Why do people have kids when they can't afford them?

And here is one of the many songs that Frank has sang in the Eaudiobook: