Saturday, March 30, 2024

Review: What Happened to Goodbye

What Happened to Goodbye What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Friday, March, 29 2024 at 3:01 p.m.

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What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen-Notes & Highlights

This is the copy I borrowed from the Glendale Public Library (Main Branch).

This is Ale's personal copy.

This is the audiobook CD that I borrowed from the Phoenix Public Library. Ale is borrowing it from me so she can finish her copy.

I asked Ale what book she was going to be reading this Winter and this is the book Ale chose. I was going to ask her if we could read a short book, but I think I can save that for the Summer Reading Program. I got this book from the Glendale Public Library Main Library Branch. Ale got this book for one of the Summer reading prizes. It’s a full novel, so I hope Ale can make some progress with it.

What Happened To Goodbye by Sarah Dessen Spotify Playlist

“Odd how it was easy for a stranger to assume such familiarity. Especially when those who were supposed to know you best often didn’t, not at all” (90).

* I liked the part on page 222 where Dave left some of his extra thyme for Mclean. I thought that was so cute and sweet of him. 🙂

* I also liked when Dave brought over chicken soup for Mclean. It was his apology soup. I wanted to jot down the recipe because it sounded good to me. Chicken soup: thick, egg noodles, chicken, and carrots.

“Once you love something, you always love it in some way. You have to. It's, like, part of you for good’” (273).

* I teared up during that quilt scene between Mclean and her mom. I thought that was so sweet!

* When I think about and picture Mclean’s house I think about an almost empty house with that new house smell. I picture white walls and smell fresh paint. I love that smell.

* I tried to make Mclean’s special eggs and toast lol. I love that scene XD It’s so funny. Couple eggs into bowl, Mixed in some milk, Buttered toast

Alternative Book Covers:

What Happened To Goodbye by Sarah Dessen Spotify Playlist:

Friday, March 29, 2024

Tell Your Library Story

National Library Week is Sunday, April 7 through Saturday, April 13, and we need your help to celebrate all month long! We're interested in hearing about your experiences with the Glendale Public Library. Whether it's a memorable moment, a positive impact on your life, or a simple appreciation, share your stories with us throughout April. Visit to fill out the form or grab a paper version at any of our four library locations. You can also include pictures, videos, or audio recordings to enhance your submission. As a token of our appreciation, participants will receive a small thank-you gift. Your stories contribute to showcasing the library's role in the community!

Library - National Library Week 2024 - Share Your Story

My experience with the Glendale Public Library started when my family and I moved to the city back in 2021. One of my most memorable moments from the library was when I first signed up for a library card for the Summer Reading Program in 2022. The library has made a positive impact on my life in many ways. I can borrow many things from the library like books, DVDs, and digital content. These offer me various sources of free entertainment that enrich my life. I acknowledge my simple appreciation of the Glendale Public Library. The library has made a difference in my life because it has made a stronger bond with my little sister and me. We have our own Sister Book Club that we do every Summer during the library's Summer Reading Program. It is the highlight of my year and the library helps us by letting us borrow the books we need. One Summer we each had a copy of our book club book and I got the regular print size while my sister borrowed the large print book. What the library means to me is that it is a safe and creative place for me to explore all kinds of different stories and books at no cost to me. I hope by me telling my library story it inspires others to share their own library stories. All of my experiences and memories made at the library have been indispensable to me and always will. The library also fuels my own personal reading journal and reading blog. You can find my reading blog here:

I am also grateful for the book sales that the library has. I bought one of my favorite books at the Main Library for only one dollar! "Bright Lights, Big City" by Jay McInerney.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Review: Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox Michael J. Fox by Keith Elliot Greenberg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I like the short chapters and the pleasant font.

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Michael J. Fox by Keith Elliot Greenberg

One of my favorite pictures in this book.

Review: Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox Michael J. Fox by Jill C. Wheeler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I liked the pictures! XD ðŸ¤­

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Michael J. Fox (Star Tracks) by Jill C. Wheeler

I borrowed this eBook on I saw one biography on there and this one was recommended to me based on the metadata. The following are my favorite pictures from this book. 😉

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Review: I Heart New York

I Heart New York I Heart New York by Lindsey Kelk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 7:54 p.m.

View all my reviews

I Heart New York (I Heart, #1) by Lindsey Kelk (Goodreads Author)-Highlights and Notes from Apple Books

A screen shot of my iPad eBook cover.

I am not sure where I first came across this book, I think it was on Hoopla, but all I knew was that I loved the title and book cover! I was really anxious to read another book that’s set in New York. After reading this I feel like I always have to be reading a book that’s set in New York. This book has quickly been added to my Goodreads favorites shelf. It was such a fun read! Now I really want to read some of the other books in the I Heart book series!

I made a I Heart New York by Lindsey Kelk Spotify playlist for this book because there were bands mentioned and I listened to it all the time! I love The Stills now! I also love that the author and Angela both love indie rock bands! :P <3

“The New York City skyline. Manhattan. The Empire State Building. The beautiful, beautiful Chrysler Building. The Woolworth Building with its big old churchy steeple. And I fell in love. It hit me so hard that I stopped crying, stopped thinking, stopped breathing. I felt as if I’d been winded. Winding the cab window all the way down, I breathed in the skyscrapers, the giant billboards, the industrial riverside stretches and the sweaty, steamy air. I was in New York.” (31)

“and you came to the best city in the world to rediscover yourself.” (44)

“Don’t get up,’ she said, opening the door. ‘Just enjoy the food, watch some shitty TV and get ready for tomorrow.’

‘What’s tomorrow?’ I asked, cracking into the pancakes. I was so hungry and everything was so good.

Jenny grinned from the doorway. ‘Lots of things. It’s my day off, it’s the day I’m taking you out so you don’t spend a second longer than necessary alone watching cable, and it’s the first day of your New York adventure. Be up and in reception by nine-thirty.’

And she was gone.” (45)

“as a knock at the door shook me out of my wow-I’m-really-in-New-York-and-let’s-not-think-about-why trance.” (48)

⁃ Lolz

p.s. hope you enjoyed Joe too, I bet your ex didn’t bring you pancakes in the morning looking like that

I laughed out loud, but it sounded so strange.” (50)

⁃ Lolz hehe! 😉

“You’re in New York, it’s like, the best place on earth to be a writer. There are a million books inspired by Manhattan.” (55)

⁃ That is SO true! ☺️

“Angela Clark, by the end of today, I’ll have made a New Yorker out of you.” (66)

“Looking right, I swam in the endless downtown view afforded by the New York grid system, channels framed by skyscrapers rising high into the sky.” (71)

“She wasn’t wrong, the Flatiron building was incredible, all triangular and pointy but everything we passed was cool. Gorgeous, organized, New Yorky and cool.” (74)

“But she’s here to look after everyone. New York is made up of millions of different people, Angie, and they all come here looking for something, just like you.” (75)

⁃ Lady Liberty.

“And New York is a great place to do that. It’s a city of new beginnings. People go to LA to “find themselves”, they come to New York to become someone new.” (76)

“I took one last look out at the statue. Wowsers. I was in New York.” (78)


“Hmm, a new friend, a new wardrobe and a new city. Compared to Saturday, this hadn’t been a bad day.” (78)

“sipping my bucket of coffee” (85)

“Even though I’d never been here, the streets seemed so familiar. Either I’d found my spiritual home or I’d watched too much TV.”(95)

“I was back to dreaming my New York life, instead of living my New York dream.” (102)

“Thankfully, this time she didn’t just laugh and proved herself to be not just a great life coach but a great hair-holder-backer and glasses of water provider. Once she’d stripped me down and helped me into the shower, I began to feel slightly more human. This was definitely a crash course in friendship.” (121)

⁃ I love this friendship of Jenny’s and Angela’s! It’s so sweet! ♥️

“Pulling out my notebook and hotel room pen, I started to scribble my thoughts. God, imagine writing an online diary for The Look magazine!” (133)

⁃ I like that Angela is writing in her notebook in a café! So cute!

“but I needed to find some way of celebrating my job, my New York minute.” (183)

“New York is so amazing. It makes me feel like…like I’m really living, you know? It makes me want to do new things and just discover every inch of it. See everything there is to see.” (189)

“There’s nothing worse than staying when there’s nothing to stay for.” (195)

“You want to walk the last couple of blocks?’ Tyler asked, reading my mind. I nodded eagerly and jumped out onto the pavement, leaning against the wall and looking out across the lake. It was like a scene from a movie. My movie.” (215)

“I’d really like to write. Just write, whether it’s magazines or books, whatever. Not necessarily deep and meaningful, but just something that someone can enjoy. Something that they can sit down with for an hour to enjoy, and escape from, I don’t know, whatever it is they need to escape from.” (230)

⁃ I love that, Angela! 💙

“What you saw on the surface, what was right in your face every day, that was only a third of it, the rest was up in the sky.” (251)

“It made this whole New York adventure real.” (253)

“We stood and looked out over the city. The sun was long gone from the sky and a blanket of reassuring darkness had been tucked over New York, with the newly lit Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building acting like giant nightlights, keeping everyone safe. It looked so completely different, this magical island out there on its own, defiantly sparkling away.” (261)

“thinking about how different the views were out of our windows. I could see yellow taxi cabs, the Chrysler Building and thousands of New Yorkers hustling and bustling around the city.” (319)

“It was just like Jenny had said, New York wasn’t somewhere you came to find yourself again, it was somewhere you came to become something, someone, new.” (345)

“In a Starbucks with wireless internet I logged on. My blog was short and to the point. The Adventures of Angela: Moving On From Moving On. Yes, I had a lot of crap to wallow in, and I could feel sorry for myself for the next five years if I wanted, but I also had a lot to be glad about and from here on in, that was what this diary was going to be about.” (345-346)

“he yawned again. He really was too cute.

‘I’ll see you there.’ I yawned a little myself. It was even contagious on the phone.” (360)

⁃ I yawned too lolz

“I could understand why Alex loved Williamsburg, it was so chilled out, but I was still in love with Manhattan, despite the maddening crowds. The noise, the people, the feeling that anything could happen at any given second. That was what inflated my blood pressure, that was what sent adrenaline surging through me as the streets got narrower, more congested. I loved the neon billboards, the giant Target ads, the garish Hershey store, Bubba Gump’s Shrimp Co, Virgin, Sephora, Toysus. They were just adverts, stores, restaurants, but it was the clicking cameras and the pushing people with the happiest faces you’d ever seen that made the place what it was. And it was amazing to me.” (379)

“People love you, Angela, and they love to live vicariously through someone else. They don’t want to run away to another continent and leave everything they’ve ever known, but they love that you’re doing it for them,” (380)

“I had just worked out I was happy, I had just worked out it was definitely Alex, not Tyler, and now this. Jenny would say it was life testing my decisions. My mum would tell me it was fate bringing me home. I would say, enough, have we got any more Ring Dings. And since I was the only person in the room, I went with my option.” (383-384)

“I hung up and put my phone in my bag, taking out The Look. I opened it on my page and looked at the intro.

The Adventures of Angela. Twenty-something ex-Londoner, Angela Clark, guides us through life and love, finding friends and finding her way in the Big Apple.

It wasn’t a very complete description, I thought, but at least it was somewhere to start.” (425)

Excerpts From: Lindsey K. Kelk. “I Heart New York.” HarperCollins, 2010. Apple Books.

This material may be protected by copyright.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Review: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future by Michael J. Fox
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I finished listening to this eAudiobook on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 12:03 p.m. I listened to it on the Audible app with my free trial. I listened to the entire audiobook while I worked.

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future... by Michael J. Fox-Notes & Highlights

“I couldn’t afford not to read books” (Ch. 2, 28:50).

I like this quote! I have felt this feeling too, Michael! :] Even when Michael was broke he still read! He read for entertainment!

Another thing that I have heard Michael say is that “what other people think of me is none of my business.” I have never thought of it in this way before. I like this very much! <3