Thursday, May 30, 2024

Review: I Heart Vegas

I Heart Vegas I Heart Vegas by Lindsey Kelk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 5:43 p.m.

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I Heart Vegas by Lindsey Kelk

This is the only other book by Lindsey Kelk that I am interested in reading. I borrowed the Ebook from Hoopla and read it on my iPad.

I got the Audible deal of $0.99 for 3 months and wanted to read this book for a while because I've been to Vegas multiple times. This is the first time I've read Kelk's book alongside an audiobook. I liked the experience, though the British narrator did not do a good American accent. I like this book! It was a fun adventure! Looove! <33

“...but the two of them getting along so well gave me a happy” (72, chapter 5).
    So cute!

“I wondered what James was going to do with eight boxes of Cheez-Itz and three puppies” (287).   
Lolz! Now I want a box of Cheez-Itz! Angela! XD I would eat some Cheez-Itz and save some for Ma
and I would hug and pet the little baby puppies hehe! <3

* I really do wonder what Alex's band sounds like. I also wonder what the author says to people who ask her what his band sounds like. Hmmm... 🤔 If I had to guess, I would say that his band has a similar sound to The Stills or The Strokes.

“...arse bopping along in time to Donna Summer” (324).
    I just wanted to look up what song that was.

‘But you know now?’ It was better to know, I told myself. It was better to know than to wonder” (331).

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Review: Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 5:54 p.m.

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Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris (Goodreads Author)

I’ve always wanted to try the Teen Book Box that the Glendale Public Library offers, but I’m too old for that. I tried to ask Ale before, but she said no. I asked again last week (April 8-) and she said yes! I was so excited! I’ve never had a Teen Book Box before! Ale is in her last year of being eighteen, so this is the last time we could try it. I think we’ll only do this one time. Once is enough. Ale told me the story of her day (Wednesday, April 17, 2024) today and now I will too to you. She went to school and then she went to Starbucks and she was checking her phone and saw an email saying her Teen Book Box was ready. I have all of the emails forwarded to me. She drove to the library and got the Teen Book Box. That! I loved that part! She wanted to surprise me, and I was really surprised! I thought it was going to be ready in like ten more days, but they worked fast! I will have a blog post complete with pictures soon.

Teen Book Box! Blog Post:

One of the checked out books was this one. Ale liked it the most. She is a fan of thriller books. Ale doesn’t have time to read this book, so I’ll read it for her! I thought that this book was interesting as well.

* The last two pages of chapter twelve (166-167) had me teary eyed. I really hope that Jack doesn’t know about Grace and Mille’s George Clooney secret. That was the part that got me spilling tears. I also just want to say that the narrator for this audiobook CD that I borrowed from the Main Glendale Library, Georgia Maguire, has done an amazing performance. She has a perfect British accent, which suits the story well. I also thought that after Grace and Millie came out of the bathroom back to Jack Millie told him that they took long in the bathroom because Millie was on her period. I thought that was hilarious and very clever of Millie to say. Then the last paragraph where Millie says that she doesn’t like George Clooney has a special meaning now. And Jack said that he doesn’t like him either was really something to laugh at!

* I was sweating and my heart was beating towards the conclusion of this book.

* I had the urge to cry at the very last page in this book.

* This was indeed a blood-pumping thriller book!

* Also, my hand was shaking from the anxiousness of the story.

* I am now very interested in finding out what ever happened to Grace and Millie. I hope they are safe and happy together!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Review: Girls' Night Out

Girls' Night Out Girls' Night Out by Meg Cabot
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

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Girls' Night Out by Meg Cabot (Goodreads Author), Cecelia Ahern, Elizabeth Buchan (Goodreads Author), Carole Matthews (Editor), Sarah Mynkowski (Editor), Chris Manby (Editor)-Notes & Highlights

I went to the Desert Sage Library to pick up an audiobook CD and as I went out I stopped by the booksale area to see if there were any books worth purchasing. I spotted this one and instantly was attracted to it because of its cover. It is a paperback and the sign said that paperback books were either twenty-five or fifty cents. I got out the quarters from my wallet and dropped them into the pay box. I thought that was so cute!! Then I went home. I loved that! I went back again not too long ago to pick up some Back To The Future DVDs and got a quick sneak peek into their book sale books again. I saw a few covers I might enjoy, but I had to restrain myself because then I would have too many books to read lol. I am enjoying this book so far.

* 3rd Story "Reunion": I really liked this story! I also really love the fun email format! This might be one of my favorite stories from this book.

* Story #4 (A Thing of Beauty): I like this story too. It's so romantic. This was a nice story to read.

* Story #5 (Light Up My Life): This story was sad and not set in New York. I thought all of these short stories were going to take place in New York. Hmmm. 😐

* Story #6 (Only Some People): I was like, "okay...".

* Story #7: I skipped this story because I didn't like the topic it was about.

* Story #8 (A Little Bit Broken): I really couldn't relate to this story.

* Story #9 (Kindness): I like this one. It has a tear-jerking ending.

* I read Story #10 (Troublemaker) and it was drama packed.

Story #11 (Ladies' Night At the Underwood Pet Hospital): I was hoping that Brendan wasn't going to see her lolz! XD

Story #12 (Cinderella Gets a Brazilian): I loved this story! It was fast-paced and hilarious! I also loved the second person narrative style. It obviously reminded me of "Bright Lights, Big City" by Jay McInerney, which is one of my favorite books

* Story #13 (What I Found): I liked this story. I wish that Suzanne had a library card so that she could have used the library computers. I also liked the ending. She has a step-sister!

* Story #14 (A Blast from the Past): “The mere idea of him put a spring in her stride. She pressed Send and sat back in her chair” (217).

I like that for Claire! That sounds nice. I love the image of Claire sitting back and smiling after she sent that email.

* Story #21 (Entranced): He adored Amelia as much as Eduardo did, and in fact, at night, would tell his wife all about Amelia and how her eyes lit up when she talked about her nephews, and her job, and whichever book she was currently reading” (317).

I love that for Amelia!

* I just wanted to say that some of the stories were good and some of the stories were not so good.

* Here is the book's website:

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

We're Ready To Go For 2024's Summer Reading Game!

I added AleBooks to my family on the Maricopa County Reads website.

May Library News

Review: You Shouldn't Have Come Here

You Shouldn't Have Come Here You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished listening to this Eaudiobook on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 2:04 a.m.

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You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose (Goodreads Author), Andrew Eiden (Narrator), Andi Arndt (Narrator)

I was browsing the Libby app and decided that I would join the Greater Phoenix Digital Library in listening to this book. I mean unlimited copies is hard to miss. I was like, "what?" at the end of the book. Like wow! Colleen Hoover is right about Jeneva Rose being the queen of twists because the twist at the end of this book was crazy!