Monday, September 23, 2024


I was always writing these as Ebook instead of eBook, so now I know!

Review: Good in Bed

Good in Bed Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 10:02 p.m. I did let some tears slip at the end when she did the ceremony for her baby. lolz total chick-lit moment hehe. This book has been in my TBR bookshelf since 2020, so I am SOOO glad I got to finish it! <3

View all my reviews

Good in Bed (Cannie Shapiro, #1) by Jennifer Weiner (Goodreads Author)-Notes & Highlights

I listened to an abridged version of the eAudiobook on Hoopla.

“Okay, I thought. Here you are. You Are Here. And you move forward because that’s the way it works; that’s the only place you can go. You keep going until it stops hurting, or until you find new things to hurt you worse, I guess. And that is the human condition, all of us lurching along in our own private miseries, because that’s the way it is. Because, I guess, God didn’t give us any choice. You grow up, I remembered Abigail telling me. You learn” (364).

“You can’t make grown-ups do what they don’t want to do” (456).

Sunday, September 8, 2024

2024 Summer Reading Prizes!

So I had to wait for a long time for Ale's book to be ready. She ordered her book when she hit 1,000 points, but it somehow didn't go through. So weeks later I told her to order it again, and this time it worked! Then we waited for that book to be ready. We picked it up on Saturday, September 7, 2024. This is the first year where they gave us cups as a prize. It was nice when they gave a bookmark as a prize. I liked the one with the Hero's Regional Library's floor design on it. I did get a second book from the cart they showed us, but there was nothing that I was genuinely interested in, so I decided to get the one that I most liked out of all of them to give to a Little Free Library. Then we went to the Desert Sage Library to pick up a DVD and CD I had on hold. Then we went to the nearest Chick-fil-A that's near Christown to get milkshakes. Then we went to Encanto park to drop off my Little Free Library book. When we got there I was sad to see that the Little Free Library was knocked down off of the pole. I asked Ale if she could take a picture of it to send to me so I can email the library owner. We sat for a while watching the booty ducks and pigeons. It was really nice. Then I drove us to another nearby Little Free Library to drop off my book. It was one I didn't go to before. It was really full of books. Then we finally drove back home and watched that old Justin Bieber Never Say Never documentary I used to have a DVD of. And that was our day. Ale said it was a good day.

By the way, it was just in time when we did pick up our prizes because the deadline to pick them up was just in 8 more days (Sunday, September 15, 2024).