Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Evenings: A Winter's Tale by Gerard Reve-Notes & Highlights

I did not finish this one because it got a bit boring after about halfway through the book.

I really like the narrator's (Daniel Collard) voice a lot! His British accent is so similar to Robert Smith's of The Cure.

"“It’s perfect,” Louis said, “so completely realistic, nothing contrived about it. A father had this son, a little boy, and sometimes he picked him up by the head. So one time he does it again and—pop!—the neck breaks. Dead. They call the doctor, the doctor says: The child’s dead, how did it happen? I don’t know, the father says, we were horsing around. But something strange must have happened, the doctor says. No, not at all, says the father, all I did was pick him up—like this—and he picks up the little boy’s sister, his twin sister, by the head, to show how it went. Pop! Her neck broken too. So at least they knew how it happened. Good one, isn’t it?” They laughed." (10)

"“Tom ta tom tom, tom ta tom,” Frits sang to himself, “nothing’s good, but everything’s fine.”" (12)

"Frits left the room. “I need to stop thinking,” he repeated to himself over and over as he brushed his teeth and undressed." (23)

"“This is that old cowboy song ‘Don’t Fence Me In’,” said Jaap, when the pianist started in." (48)

"“I know this one,” said Frits, “this is ‘Give Me Five More Minutes’. A delightful tune.”" (49)

I borrowed the ebook from my library and I heard the audiobook for free on YouTube! I left off here:

Chapter 7.32: 0:36

Here is a link to the playlist I used:

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