Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice | Book Club 1
Hello and welcome to my first entry of my Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice book review. This will be a continuous series on my blog.I have been reading this book on my iPad since the beginning of June and I hope to finish it by the end of this month, if not then by the beginning of July because I want to continue reading the Vampire Chronicles this Summer.
So there are 52 chapters and I am reading one chapter a day, so that means I will have to read more than one chapter a day to finish it in one month. But I will see. As of right now I am on chapter 13 on June 12. I can try to summarize what has happened so far and continue tomorrow.
The main character is Tarquin (Quinn) Blackwood and he is a young vampire in the beginning of the story. It starts with a letter he wrote to Lestat saying that he hopes he doesn’t kill him because he broke his rule of not coming into his city. Quinn wants to meet Lestat. He goes from his house to Lestat’s with the letter and a cameo (a necklace pendant) of his face on it. When he’s there he finds an old friend from the Talamasca and drinks from him before Lestat interrupts them. Lestat is not angry and they go feed. Then Quinn introduces Lestat to his Aunt Queen (who is just the most adorable character). She tells the story of Manfred Blackwood (Aunt Queen’s grandfather) and how crazy he was to both Quinn and Lestat. Then after that Lestat and Quinn went somewhere else in Blackwood Manor so Quinn can tell Lestat his life story.
So far Quinn has went over his ancestor story, the story of Goblin and how he started coming into his life, his encounters with spirits. The weirdest thing for me was that Quinn told his whole family at the dinner table about his sexual experience with the ghost of Rebecca (Manfred’s former lover). That was really awkward, but not for Quinn. I mean, why would he say that to his family?!
Anyways, that’s all I can write right now. I will post after I read tomorrow. See ya then! 🖐🏽
Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice | Book Club 2
In chapter 13 Quinn went to Sugar Devil Island again to take pictures of what he saw the first time. He was getting sick from being there, so he ate & drank beer as a break & he went to sleep because he was exhausted. When he was asleep he had sexual encounters with Rebecca again (weird). Then he got mad at himself because he didn't want to spend the night in the house, but Goblin helped him escape. He saw a mysterious man while leaving the house dumping dead bodies in the swamp. He made it home and everyone was worried, of course, and he told them all that happened over dinner.Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice | Book Club 3
Hello book club! Welcome to my latest book club entry of Anne Rice's vampire novel.In chapter 14 Quinn's family didn't believe him and that sucked! He showed them and the Sheriff the pictures he took when they were ready from the drug store. Then Pops and Aunt Queen told him that he had to get out of the house and go to college, either LSU or Harvard, but Quinn didn't want to. But Goblin told him that he should go away from the house because there is danger around the manor. Then when Quinn was asleep he saw a man sitting by his fireplace and he knew it was the murderer from the island and he left Quinn a paper. It said that he didn't want anyone coming to the island again. He showed Aunt Queen and Jasmine this and Aunt Queen told Quinn that she would get people to search that island and get DNA tests for Rebecca.
By the way, I am reading Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice. It was published in 2002.
Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice | Book Club 4
I read chapter 15 and 16 because chapter 15 was only 3 pages and I thought I could fit 2 chapters into one sitting. I also read outside today because it was nice and cloudy. Plus it rained earlier and I loved it, even though it was still hot (90+ degrees).Chapter 15: Everyone in the Blackwood Manor saw Sugar Devil Island and the authorities know about it and are doing investigations. Then something weird, but raunchy happened between Quinn and Goblin while in the shower that you could probably guessed. If you have no idea then I’ll tell you. Goblin jerked Quinn off in the shower…
Chapter 16: Pops died. Quinn’s grandfather. He died of a heart attack after Patsy (his daughter) told him that she had AIDs. The family was getting things ready for the funeral. The emotions haven’t hit Quinn yet, instead they hit Goblin who was crying and hugged him. Something I found interesting in this chapter is Quinn’s realization that he is bisexual. Somewhere in the beginning of the book he mentioned himself thinking that he was gay then he started to like Jasmine and of course there’s Rebecca…
Thank you! See you next chapter. I will be reading 2 chapters next time because one of the chapters is short again. I am having so much fun reading! This book is so interesting.
P.S. I would also like to make a connection from the mystery and detective genre that Quinn’s story of Rebecca and trying to figure out if she was murdered to JackSepticEye and his Detroit:Become Human series because he likes Connor and Hank’s storyline so much because of the detective genre linked with it.
Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice | Book Club 5
Chapter 18 (only 2 pages): I feel like Goblin is Quinn's guardian angel because he saved him from that bastard intruder.Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice | Book Club 6
Chapter 19: Quinn goes to the hospital after his injuries from that man. He gets CAT scans and his brain isn’t swelling, so that’s good. He has to stay in the hospital bed until they can do more tests. Quinn goes to sleep and he sees Rebecca, which I hate! I think the book will be mostly his life story and towards the end will be how he got turned into a vampire. Right now he is 18 and I am 19 going to turn 20, which kinda scares me to be honest. I can relate to Quinn in some ways with his family wanting him to go to college and what not. I like him as a character. I’m glad he joined the Vampire Chronicles family. 🙂I Liked This Book | Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice
I've just finished reading Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice and I just wanna say that I love that I get to live with these characters all throughout my reading the book. It's like getting to know a person through their telling you their life story. Like I got to know Tarquin through his story.I honestly feel sad that it's over.
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