Thursday, March 17, 2022

Review: Turned

Turned Turned by Morgan Rice
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Audiobook: 5h 27m

View all my reviews

Turned (Book #1 in the Vampire Journals) by Morgan Rice

This is a picture of my eAudiobook copy of the book that I own.

I first came across this book when I was browsing for anything free on the Google Play Books Store. I saw this audiobook cover and saw that it involved vampires, so I added it to my library. I didn’t really expect to listen to it. It was more of like a “whatever” audiobook option for me. I think I’ve had it in my Google Play Books Library for a long while now. 

Then there was such a slow hump at work that they were giving out VTO (Voluntary Time Off) like crazy! I didn’t take it last week on Thursday and Friday (3/10/22). I think it was Thursday when I started to listen with my earbuds on the order picker. At first, they had me on the stupid dock then we all got transferred to doing some safety jobs. I went for the bin etiquette thing where we just go around fixing bins. They had to give us these three pieces of paper and we had to fill out which bins we fixed. I liked that a lot because I could stay in one aisle until a picker or ICQA came in and I had to leave or go to break. And the bonus plus was that I was not tracked by all my scans. I hate that so much. I have never used my Sony earbuds on the PIT before then because it was actually dangerous, but now that there were less people, we could do that in secret because they couldn’t see our every move. I didn’t like coming in when I could have taken VTO, so I had to make myself feel better. I thought to myself before when I worked at PHX6 and I would listen to podcasts while I foot-picked and got caught. I would laugh sometimes and since the VNAs where so quiet, I couldn’t listen to Congratulations the podcast. Then I started to think about the Google Play Books app I downloaded and started to listen to this scary audiobook by Nightfire and I was too scared to listen to more. Then I looked around the app to see what else I had downloaded and saw “Turned”. I gave it a try because I wanted to listen to a story while I did mindless “work”. The book was five hours and twenty-seven minutes long, so I thought that I could finish it in one shift because I have ten hour shifts. I liked how the narrator captured the main character’s age in her voice. It says that it compares to Twilight and the Vampire Diaries, both of which I am aware of. It was obvious because Morgan (I am going to call the author by her first name because she does not compare to Anne Rice even in the slightest) mentioned that the main character, Caitlin, was eighteen years old and just your average, ordinary girl, which is Bella from Twilight. I don’t know much about the Vampire Diaries because I haven’t seen a full episode, but my Mom and little sister watched it all of the time and from what I saw I can see how it compares. But definitely the name alone, the Vampire Journals. I think it's called that because Caitlin had a journal she took everywhere with her and maybe there was some vampire stuff in there that she didn't know she had. LOL I was thinking, "I like journals! I'll read this to see what's up." XD The gore of the blood and violence does compare to the Vampire Diaries. Even the girl on the cover looks like the main brown girl on the Vampire Diaries.

I did not like this (audio)book very much.

Caitlin did not wear a dress like this in the book. It is just for the vampire mood and aesthetic. Also, that choker tho

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