Friday, July 15, 2022

Review: Where Are You Now?

Where Are You Now? Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark-Notes & Highlights

I first came across this story when I went to Walmart with my Mom (as the per usual lol). It was the one more towards the east that has music playing on speakers outside. I thought it was a fancy Walmart and I’ve never been to that one. Ale hasn’t been either until we took her. So Mom was finding clothes for Grandma and I saw the book section. It was in the middle of the front of the store. In other Walmarts they’re in the back, next to the electronics. I was browsing all the books that were $5.97 (basically $6). They were in a bin, like an aisle separator. I didn’t really like anything in there. Then I moved onto the back section. Now that’s where the good stuff was. I think the first book I got was “The Rain Watcher” by Tatiana de Rosnay; obviously because of the title and book cover. I love rain and watch it too! I am going to read that one next. Then I saw this audiobook. I thought it was cool because I’ve never physically owned an audiobook. I got it because I read the summary in the back and I loved the first paragraph. It intrigued me. I didn’t finish reading it because my Mom was calling me for us to go pay. I wanted to play it in my car for when I drove to work. At first I wanted to read it in my car and read the Ebook along with it, but then it would’ve been too hot. I tried to listen to the story as I drove, but I got distracted. I couldn't concentrate. I thought that I could understand the story better when I look at the words as I read. So I took a break and then Ale and I read “My Policeman” by Bethan Roberts for our Sister Book Club. After we finished that I suggested to Ale that we could read this book for the month of July, but she wanted a break from reading. Although later on she went on to read “The Quiet Girl” by S.F. Kosa, only after I mentioned that I've finished it and loved it. Then one day I got hit by my da for no reason and I had to leave. I wanted to drive North and carry out my plan, if you know what I mean… I went to the library that day and found “The Quiet Girl” and finished off what I needed to read in order to finish the book. Then I decided to check out “Where Are You Now?”. I wanted to finally read it. I was so interesting in reading the rest of the story because based on what I heard from the audiobook alone, I was captivated. So I checked out the physical book on Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 3:34 p.m. I don’t know the last time I did that. From what I can remember, I was a teenager when I went to the library last. The book is due Thursday, July 29, 2021. So that’s 21 days, not counting July 29, and 22 days, when you count in July 29. But I’m not sure if I would get in trouble if I turn in the book on July 29 or the day after. Probably the day after. So, just in case, I calculated how much I should read everyday so I can finish the book a day before the due date. I think it would be cool if I taped in the receipt I received when I checked out. I also used that receipt as my bookmark. My SelfCheck Receipt. That’s what it says. I did self-checkout, which is amazing! So I couldn’t get my DVD player from the storage. Ale helped me in trying to find it, but I didn’t find it. So like many days later I had to buy a CD player, though the DVD player was capable of playing a CD. Ale thought otherwise. I ordered it online for pickup. It was around $20. The day we went to pick it up it was raining and Ale got mad at me because she didn’t get her Wendy’s. Then I started reading.

* Checked Out Physical Book: Thursday, July 8, 2021, 3:34 PM

* Due: Thursday, July 29, 2021

79 chapters

21 days



Read 4 chapters everyday until due date.

* I finished this book Monday, July 26, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.

* Side Note: This book gave me a cozy feeling.

I went to ZIA Records one day to look through their used books section and I found this! It was the same book of the audiobook that I bought from Walmart! I bought this for only 27 cents on 8/10/21 at 6:28 PM! XD

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Vlog 85: Long Reading Process (

Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark Spotify Playlist:

“And that made me think of my father’s anxiety when Mack disappeared and the anxiety Leesey Andrews’s father must be feeling now. Last night on the eleven o’clock news, holding back tears, Dr. Andrews had held up his daughter’s picture and pleaded for assistance in finding her. I thought I could imagine what he was going through, then wondered if that was really true. Bad as it had been for us, Mack had after all seemingly walked out of his life in midafternoon. Leesey Andrews was surely more vulnerable, alone at night, and certainly no match for a strong predator” (64 in Burton Bar library book/76 in book I own).

I found a connection to The Quiet Girl because of how Mack just got up and walked out of his life.

* This book is so similar to The Quiet Girl in that it’s a mystery, but in this book there are more characters, which means it’s harder to pinpoint who did it.

“A mental image of his mother, playing the piano at family parties and everyone joining in the singing, burst into his mind. They loved the old vaudeville songs, he thought. One of them began with the words, ‘Darling I am growing old’” (104/121).

This is a song mentioned, so I put the song in my Spotify playlist dedicated to this book. It will be shared on my reading blog.

“You had a little tête-a-tête with her last Friday night, didn’t you?’” (160/188).

Tête-a-tête means a private conversation between two people.

“‘It probably is useless, but I want a subpoena issued for it, and for that tape she didn’t give you the other night as well” (174/204).

Subpoena is a writ ordering a person to attend a court. To summon someone with a subpoena.

* I imagine the vibe of this mystery book as in the world of the 2005 show called “Night Stalker” starring one of my favorite actors, Stuart Townsend. I also get this vibe from when I first got this audiobook and I got lost going to the trailer after working late. I drove somewhere at night and I was like the only car there. All the while listening to this audiobook and that set the perfect mood! I swear!

“The day had fulfilled its promise—warm with a light breeze. The current of the East River, often so strong, seemed as mellow as the sunshine. The boaters were out, not too many of them, adding to the scenery. I love New York. God help me, I even love that blaring, intrusive Pepsi-Cola sign on the Long Island City side of the river” (191/222).

I’m like, I love New York too, Cardyn!!

* Chapter 54:

I think at first, I didn’t know what to think. I thought it was weird that Mack only calls on Mother’s Day and doesn’t say where he is. I certainly thought that was unusual. That’s a red flag and for ten years!! At first I suspected the Kramers then Nick DeMarco (not sure if he’s related to Mac DeMarco lol jk). But all these new revelations got me thinking that Mack is a killer, but we will see. I’m already more than half done with the book

“Barrott’s voice echoed through the garage as he shouted, ‘And then she screamed, “No, please don’t…” He was strangling her. He was strangling her, Carolyn. We couldn’t save her. Where is your brother, Carolyn? I know you know. Where is that stinking killer? You’ve got to tell us. Where is he now?’” (237/277).

* While I read this story I imagine the world of Sex and the City with Carolyn as Carrie. And that song called “Le Surboomer” by Grand Tourism is playing in the background while they wait outside of the restaurant.

“I walked the rest of the way, my thoughts as scattered as the scraps of paper that the breeze was picking up and depositing near the curb” (246/288).

* I just want to say that the narrator of the audiobook, Jan Maxwell, sounds like one of those narrators for the retirement commercials or the long commercials for a new type of medicine.

* I wonder why Carolyn decided to start finding Mack now after ten long years. What motivated her to start now of all days? Hmmm…

* I was shocked when Elliott pulled out a gun on himself. The reveal seemed played down to me somehow. I didn’t feel it, weirdly enough, but the whole thing with Mack’s final revelation was so sad.

“I’ve always said I would have four children, and we’re looking forward to having the first one before too long. I hope it’s a boy. His name will be Charles MacKenzie DeMarco.

We’ll call him Mack” (289/338).

I thought this was so sweet and sad.

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