Saturday, August 6, 2022

Ale's Short Story based on "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig

Summary: Nora writes a note to another version of herself. 

Idea by: Ale

Written by: Denise & Ale

Nora Seed was a glaciologist on a boat in the middle of the arctic ocean. She was in her bedroom and sat on her bed. She was thinking about what to do. Everything had gone over well with her terrifying experience with the polar bear and Hugo understood her because he was traveling through the multiverse just like herself.

Just then, she had an idea. She would write a note to the Nora that was truly a glaciologist telling her of the midnight library. This meant that she wouldn’t forget about the midnight library after the root life Nora left to go back to the midnight library.

She locked the door to her bedroom and found a pencil and a notebook.

This may seem a bit strange having a letter in your own handwriting that you don’t remember writing. I am another Nora in a different universe, at least that’s how I think it works. In my root life I didn’t feel as if my life had any purpose so I decided to end it, but ended up in a library full of books that show every possible life I could've lived. I was told that I would forget about the library once I found my new life in what book I chose. I am in your book, Nora, and I wanted to leave a note to educate myself or, I guess I should say, you about what happens when you black out. I know this isn’t believable, so I will write down something only I would know. I am a glaciologist because of my school librarian, Mrs. Elm. I don’t know if this this is against the rules, but I had to let you know that I am proud of what this Nora has accomplished because I have a feeling this isn’t the life I will be staying in.

She set the note under her pillow for the glaciologist Nora to find.

After the root life Nora went back to the midnight library after Hugo disappointed her enough, the glaciologist Nora awoke next to Hugo in her bed. She was really confused. She shuffled around in bed and felt something underneath her pillow. She reached round and found that it was a note. She read it and couldn’t believe it. She turned to Hugo. He was sound asleep. She never imagined that she would be laying half naked next to Hugo. She’d always thought that he was quite handsome, but never enough to wake up next to him.

She shook Hugo’s shoulders to wake him.

“Huh?” he murmured.

“Hugo! Wake up! I’m freaking out!”

Hugo squinted his eyes open. “What?”

“Do you know anything about this note?”

He looked over. “What does it say?”

“It seems like some nonsense about different universes by someone who claims to be me.” Nora was shaking her head in disbelief.

Hugo shot straight up and startled Nora. He started to explain all the rules of the midnight library to this glaciologist Nora. He told her of the Nora he met here and how they came to be here in bed together.

Hugo seemed to internally deflate as he figured out why the other Nora left.

“Oh my God! So you’re telling me that this other Nora beach didn’t like my life, so she left?!”

“Not exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“It seems that Nora left last night when you were sleeping.”

1 comment:

  1. I texted Ale this link and she said, "Aww so cute ๐Ÿฅฐ".
