Monday, September 5, 2022

"idk" Google Keep Label Notes


A MALEC quote.

“Instead of replying, Alec reached down and took Magnus's hands. Magnus let Alec pull him to his feet, a questioning look in his eyes. Before he could say anything, Alec drew him closer and kissed him. Magnus made a soft, pleased sound, and gripped the back of Alec's shirt, rucking it up, his fingers cool on Alec's spine. Alec leaned into him, pinning Magnus between the table and his own body. Not that Magnus seemed to mind.

'Come on,' Alec said against Magnus's ear. 'It's late. Let's go to bed." (Clare, City of Glass).

February 22, 2016

"This is a love story, Michael Deane says.

But, really, what isn't? Doesn't the detective love the mystery, or the chase, or the nosy female reporter, who is  even now being held against her wishes at an empty warehouse on the waterfront? Surely the serial murderer loves his victims, and the spy loves his gadgets or his country or the exotic counterspy. The ice trucker is torn between his love for ice and truck, and the competing chefs go crazy for scallops, and the pawnshop guys adore their junk, just as the Housewives live for catching glimpses of their own Botoxed brows in gilded hall mirrors, and the rocked-out dude on 'roids totally wants to shred the ass of the tramp-tatted girl on Hookbook, and because this is reality, they are all in love--madly, truly--with the body mic clipped to their back buckle, and the producer casually suggesting just one more angle, one more Jell-O shot. And the robot loves his master, alien loves his saucer, Superman loves Lois, Lex, and Lana, Luke loves Leia (till he finds out she's his sister"

This reminds me of The Mortal Instruments book series because of Clary and Jace's early sibling misunderstanding.

"and the exorcist loves the demon even as he leaps out the window with it, in full soulful embrace, as Leo loves Kate and they both love the sinking ship, and the shark--God, the shark loves to eat, which is what the mafioso loves, too--eating and money and Paulie and omerta--the way the cowboy loves his horse, loves the corseted girl behind the piano bar, and sometimes loves the other cowboy…

May 3, 2017

“Alec shrugged. ‘Clary says it’s pretty,' he said. ‘I mean, I’ve seen it before, but there was a huge angel rising out of it, and that was distracting.' He held his hand out. “Come on. Everyone’s going.”

Catarina smiled. “Carpe diem,” she said to Magnus. “Don’t waste your time fretting.” She picked up her skirts and wandered off toward the trees, her feet like blue flowers in the grass.

Magnus took Alec’s hand."

March 7, 2016

“‘It probably is — Jace, what are you doing with that thing? There is no way it’ll fit.”

“Is this a bad time?”

“What? No! Jace is trying to drag a trebuchet into the training room. Alec, stop helping him.”

“What’s a trebuchet?”

“It’s a huge catapult.”

“What are they going to use it for?”

“I have no idea. Alec, you’re enabling! You’re an enabler!”

“Maybe it is a bad time.”

“I doubt there’ll be a better one. Is something wrong? Is there anything I can do?”

“I think we have your cat.”


“Your cat. Big fuzzy Blue Persian? Alway...

‘Are you sure? The Lightwoods —“

‘They’re both standing here nodding. Well, Alec is partially trapped under a trebuchet, but he seems to be nodding.”

March 5, 2016

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