Monday, September 12, 2022

Review: Finding Audrey

Finding Audrey Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella-Notes & Highlights

I won this book from the Maricopa County Reads Program.

I annotated in this book and it just might be going into my “Favorites” bookshelf!

Cool yellow editions

  • I think Audrey writes like me. Just random thoughts come and go while writing about something else. (note on page 17)

“Our house is like a weather system. It ebbs and flows, flares up and subsides. It has times of radiant blue bliss, days of grey dismalness and thunderstorms that flare up out of nowhere. Right now the storm’s coming my way. Thunder-lightning-thunder-lightning, Frank-Mum-Frank-Mum” (20).

I like this! Written!

  • I think it’s really fascinating how Kinsella writes about Audrey’s social anxiety. The way she writes makes me experience of having this illness, which I experience some of the symptoms in certain social situations, I do. I pictured the Mum as the Mum from “Me & Mrs. Jones,” the show that Robert Sheehan was in. Frank could be the son from the show, Robert is Linus, and Audrey is Audrey. I feel like this book will really resonate with me because Audrey is like me. I’m starting to like her. (note on page 23)

  • The way the author writes reminds me of The Catcher in the Rye. The main character talking to the reader like Lestat too.

“Here’s the thing: does it matter exactly what happened and why those girls were excluded? It’s irrelevant. It happened. Done. Over. I’d rather not go into it” (39).


“The truth is, if you don’t communicate with anyone new, ever, at all, then you lose the knack. And when you go back to it, it’s sort of draining. Dr. Sarah has warned me about that. She says I should expect even the tiniest tasks or new steps to be a bit exhausting. And believe it or not, that silly little exchange of notes was” (57).

Me. This is a fact.

“Frank was dragged along to a family therapy group thing a couple of times. Actually, he was really sweet at it. He said some nice things to me. And about me, and what happened, and—” (72).

#Me, I explain, but not completely

“Which is not a good thing, by the way. I think too much. Waaaay too much. Everyone’s agreed on that” (72).

#Me, I think too much too


See how I stopped mid-sentence? I can do it too. When I don’t necessarily want to reveal the exact thought I’m having” (103).


“(In fact, I’m over-sensitive, which basically the whole world has told me.)” (139).

“As I’m moving the cushions around, I see a book nestled in Mum’s lap. It’s entitled How to Talk to Your Teens by Dr Terence Kirshenberger” (140).


“Look at me! In Starbucks! Back to normal!

But I’m here. That’s the point” (155).

I love how she talks to herself! lol

“The angry voice is like a chisel in my brain. It’s making me flinch and close my eyes and want to flee. I’m starting to panic. My chest is rising and falling. I can’t stay. I can’t do this. Dr. Sarah’s wrong. I’m never going to get better. Look, I can’t even sit in Starbucks. I’m a total failure.

And now darker thoughts are circling my head, dragging me down. I should just hide away. I shouldn’t even exist. What’s the point of me, anyway?” (157).

failure me!

I haven’t even got time to think about whether I’m nervous or not.

‘Excuse me, do you serve mint muffins?’ I say, adopting Linus’s innocent, childlike tones. Somehow, channelling Linus is giving me strength. I’m not me, I’m not Audrey, I’m a character” (206-207).

Cool!! Interesting!! :D

“‘Definitely.’ I clink my coffee cup against his. ‘Miss Audrey is heading for the stars’” (207).

SO CUTE!! <3 So happy for you, Audrey! Xoxo :* <3


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