Monday, October 17, 2022

Sleeping into a Saucer

Doctor Lance Gharavi
THF 160
05 October 2017
Sleeping into a Saucer

Michael wakes up on the porch again from another night of sleepwalking out of his bed.

He never knows where he will end up when he opens his eyes. Lately, he has been in the porch, garage, and in the horse’s stalls in his wake. He opened the squeaky door into the house and smelled delicious eggs frying in a pan as he passes the kitchen. He saw his mom in front of the stove and his little sister sitting at the dinning table.

“On the porch again, hun?” his mom said.

“Yeah, better than anywhere near the animals I guess,” Michael chuckled lightly and quickly went up the stairs.

He got dressed for school and saw his dad from his window; he was in the field watering the corn. Michael thought about how he might be like his dad one day. He dreamed of having a family and a farm of his own, just like his dad. He looked at his wrist watch; it read eight thirty. He grew frantic because school started promptly at nine. He grabbed his backpack, ran downstairs, out the door, and hopped onto his bike.

Michael made it to class one minute early and was quite relieved. He sat next to his friend Andy and saw that the teacher was reviewing for the final that was on Friday. The teacher gave the class a review packet that had to be finished a day before the exam. Michael hadn’t worked on it since he received it because he was too busy shooting hoops with Andy. He had to review for finals when he got home or else he couldn’t take the test. After class was over he spent the rest of the school day stressed out over finals for all his classes. He had to finish a review for every class he was taking.

When he got home, he immediately started on his final review packets. He was definitely going to do an all-nighter because most of the packets were due the next day. Around one in the morning, he eventually fell asleep with his face on one of the review packets. After he was snoring and in a deep sleep he started to get up for his nightly sleepwalking. Unconscious, he walked downstairs, across the living room and kitchen, past the porch into the backyard. Barefoot, he walked into the cornfield without any knowledge he was doing so. All of a sudden, there was a bright, white light that was shining directly down onto Michael. It seemed to be emanating from a dark, circular object up in the sky. In an instant, he was floating upwards in the air towards the object. All the while, Michael was in the midst of slumber dreaming sweet dreams.

As Michael regains consciousness, he starts to feel cold to the bone. He opens his eyes, looks around, and doesn’t recognize his surroundings. To the right of him there are what look like medical tools on a table. Confused, he tries to lift himself up, but to no avail. He looks down at his arms and realizes that he is strapped down to an operating table. Michael panics when he sees some creatures enter the room. They had large black eyes on gray heads that were disproportionate with their small bodies. As they walked closer, Michael tried to free his restraints with his fingernails. One of the alien-like devils came to the medical tools table and picked up a sharp object. Michael thought the worst and started to scream at the top of his lungs. The first thought in his head was that he had to get away, and fast. The alien was inching closer to him; fortunately, he got his foot out of the straps and kicked hard. Just before the other alien had a chance to touch Michael, he used his free leg to untie the other straps and ran away.

As he was running, a blaring alarm went off and it made him a little disoriented. He looked through the window, what he saw can only be known in textbooks. All he could see was a sea of stars dotted with two small balls that looked familiar. At first, he thought it was just the night sky, but as he looked closer he could swear that he was peering into a telescope. He squints and sees what he knows as the sun, “This is ludicrous!” thought Michael, “Am I in space?” He couldn’t believe that he was so far away from home. Michael freaks out and starts running again to find a way out of this place. There had to be some type of machine that would take him back to Earth. The beeping of the alarm paired with his beating heart was causing him to get dizzy. Racing across the ship like a mad man, he didn’t see the alien that he bumped into. He was dumbfounded as he stared into the creature’s dark, vast eyes. Michael couldn’t move, the alien was causing him to stay in place with its wicked gaze. It was holding a spray bottle that contained a strange, green liquid and sprayed it in Michael’s face. The next thing he knew, he passed out once again.

The saucer plummeted towards Earth and lowered Michael to the ground. He was startled at the sound of the ship heading up into the sky, the noise rattled him awake. “What just happened?” Michael said to himself. His traumatized brain gathered enough sense to inform him that he had school in a couple of hours. With knotted brows, he got his stuff and went to school. During lunch, he told Andy about his adventure and word quickly spread. Sooner than later, he received calls from interview shows to talk about his experience. He would be paid for this and able to save money for his future farm.

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