Sunday, January 29, 2023

Review: The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 6

The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 6 The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 6 by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My last reading session was 7 minutes! XD I can't wait for the next volume! =D

View all my reviews

The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 6 by Cassandra Clare, Cassandra Jean (Visual Art)

This is the graphic novel that I borrowed from the Desert Sage library. I put it on hold in November 2022, a month before it was officially published in December and it was finally ready for pick-up in January 2023.

I love Jocelyn’s outfit here! And this is probably weird, but the way that Johnathan and Valentine look so handsome is ugh! Cassandra Jean is so talented!

The following pictures are from this graphic novel. They are some of my favorite panels.

Chapter 1 (31): I have to say that the way that Jean draws these characters are absolutely amazing! I was almost secretly thinking to myself that Valentine looks hot in that suit! OMG! Cassandra Jean’s drawing of Valentine got me thinking like that! 😱 I also thought Alec looked hot! And of course Simon looked so cute and that last scene with Simon and Isabelle was really steamy! Eeeeeee XD *blushes*

This suit reminds me of one of Lestat’s suits XD And even the way Valentine is standing reminds me of Lestat! XD

Chapter 2 (32):

Chapter 3 (33):

Who is the person on the far right? This is during the scene where Clary makes the rune that shows who you love. From left to right: Amatis Herondale (Luke’s sister who married Stephen Herondale), Alec, Luke, and I don't know...maybe Robert Lightwood thinking about Michael Wayland?

I asked on reddit about who the person on the right is and I guess right. It is Robert thinking about Michael.

I thought the girl on the left was Imogen Herondale, but I completely forgot that she died on Valentine’s ship :( a.k.a. Jace’s grandmother.

Why does Alec have a streak of white hair? Maybe it’s because of the lighting in this scene because in another panel he didn’t have that.

Not to be weird or anything, but I like how Valentine's hair looks in this panel.

I think this panel is from the previous volume. I remember thinking that I could tell his hair was dyed. I don't know how Jean made that possible through art, but she did!

I love the Luke and Jocelyn bubbles, so cute! And as always Magnus is so beautiful! 😍 Also, I see you Luke ;) 👀

A cute smiley Luke!

Chapter 4 (34):

First MALEC kiss in the Shadowhunter Chronicles!

OMG! I screamed when I saw the first MALEC kiss <3 Ahhhh so cute!! <333

Lol I love this one where Luke is all in his own dream land where he's close to Jocelyn XD 💙💙💙💙💙

A cute baby Simon peeking out awww :)))

Why Johnathan and Valentine gotta look like that?! 🥵🥵🥵

That hand on his hip! God damn!! 🥵

That smug smile! Ugh! 😩

Lol literally what the heck?!

SIMON!!!!! <3333

Chapter 5 (35):

Ugh! Johnathan!

Chapter 6 (36):

I just can’t believe I’m saying this, but I really liked how Valentine looked in the last chapter. I loved his slick back hair a lot, and his warrior outfit. The way Valentine is drawn kind of reminds me of Lestat and how he looks here:

* I was waiting in utter anticipation for this book! I first requested it in November! A whole month before the book was officially out!

* Complete Side Note: The way Jace was drawn in some panels (like the panel where he was telling Clary that he loved her and thought that he was a monster) makes him look like a fuck boy XD OMG *face palms*

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