Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Review: The Eyes of the Mummy by Robert Bloch

The Eyes of the Mummy by Robert Bloch

My rating is a 3 out of 5 stars.

This is a short story featured in the April 1938 issue of Weird Tales.

This story was not available on Goodreads.

I read this in 55 minutes.

My favorite part was when the young man narrator was losing his limbs and couldn't type anymore towards the end of the story.

I read this story because it was mentioned in The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice:

“Trembling with annoyance, I forced myself to scan this story, which was only a few pages in length. ‘Eyes of the Mummy’ was the title, author Robert Bloch. A clever little tale, but what could it possibly mean to me? I thought of the Lovecraft, which had been much longer and seemed wholly different. What on earth could all this signify? The seeming idiocy of it further maddened me” (83).
I just finished reading that short story and it also has a connection and a foreshadowing effect. It features a mummy switching bodies with a young man and the young man crumbled into pieces as he was typing said story because he looked into the jeweled eyes of the mummy and his soul was in the mummy and the mummy was resurrected in his young body.

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