Sunday, February 12, 2023

My Book Candle Collection


This is a Jane Austen candle I received from my mother for Christmas. It smelled sophisticated. Even though it is an empty candle, I still want to keep it because there is some wax left and I can still smell it. I also love how the jar looks and its coloring.

I bought this one for myself. It smells like how it says it does. It reminds me of icing. I read TVL while I lit this candle. It has those memories with it. Book candles are quite expensive!

I tried to take off the sticker to put into my reading journal, but to no avail.

I plan to take out the leftover wax and put that in my wax warmer.

I had other book candles, but their reminders are in my reading journal.

A beautiful, fresh scent in a beautiful, sturdy candle jar!

Hidden Springs scented pillar candle by mainstays from Walmart of course!

This is after a 65 minute reading session.
This candle lid is in my second junk journal.

The wax is still in this jar so I will keep it near my bedside so I can smell it in bed, cozy!

Beautiful design!

Cute design too!

This lid is also in my second junk journal. This one smelled nice. It was a sample one I think from my Christmas gift or more likely my birthday gift.

I bought this for myself. It smells so good!


It smells beautiful!!!! 💜

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