Thursday, February 9, 2023

Review: Dionysus in San Francisco

Dionysus in San Francisco Dionysus in San Francisco by Faye Perozich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this entire issue in 24 minutes.

View all my reviews

Dionysus in San Francisco (Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat #12) by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Daerick GrΓΆss (Illustrator), Scott Multer (Illustrator), Vickie Williams (Letterer), John Bolton (Cover Artist), David Campiti (Editor), Anne Rice (Original Author)

That chest tho! :O
Oh my! I do like how the shading looks in the top and bottom panels.
I love the first panel here and of course the happy Lestat.
The glass house and loustat hug! That knee in the hug awwww
That leg definition! I love that drawing!
Louis' eyes are so beautiful! πŸ’š
That last panel Lestat almost looks like a drawing of Barbie.
Lestat looks like a Disney prince with that hair! And oh the loustat hug!!!!! <33333
Yeah! Just look at that stance! 😍
Is this bitch grabbing his crotch?! hahahahaha
He's so pretty! I love how he's standing in that middle panel. So much strength!
I love Lestat's hair in that bottom left panel and he almost looks human in that bottom right panel.
Gabrielle came to save the day! I love her outfit so much!!! <3 Also, Lestat looks really scary in that bottom right panel.

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