Saturday, April 29, 2023

Review: Merrick

Merrick Merrick by Anne Rice
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read the last two chapters on Saturday so I could finish the book on Saturday. My last reading session was 48 minutes. I finished reading this book for the second time in my life on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 8:03 p.m.

View all my reviews

Merrick (The Vampire Chronicles Book 7) by Anne Rice-Notes & Highlights

I got this from the Savers by the old house for $3.99 on June 13, 2020 at 4:40 p.m.

3-307 = 304 pages

DUE: 11/22 @ 11:59 PM



This text is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created September 29, 2017.

* I don't know why, but I am always comforted by David's voice.

“Sure enough, when I poured the cream into the thick chicory coffee that they gave me, I understood those words” (11).
I tried chicory coffee, and I liked it. It was bitter, but had that NOLA flavor! :D

“The clock had stopped ticking and I’d turned to look at it, uncertain where it was. On the mantle, yes, and its hands had been frozen, and the window-panes had given that muffled rattle that they do when the wind nudges them, and the house had wrapped me securely in its own atmosphere of warmth and secrets, of safety and sanctity, of dreaminess and communal might” (27).

“‘My very presence, with all its signals of power, can erode your own tolerance for living, Merrick; it can eat away your faith in a moral order, it can hurt your willingness to die an ordinary death’” (30).

“He might have been made by God to be painted by Andrea del Sarto, so deliberately perfect did he seem” (62).

Louis! 😍

Saint John the Baptist (about 1523) by Andrea del Sarto

“He looked rather splendid in his sorrow. Again he made me think of the paintings of Andrea del Sarto. There was something lush in his beauty, for all the sharp and clear well drawn lines of his eyes and mouth” (69).

“I, nevertheless, perceive certain things about him as he lies by the hour listening to the brilliant and stormy music of Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Chopin, Verdi, and Tchaikovsky, and the other composers he loves” (78).

“Entering the flat, I turned on all the electric lights in every room, a detail which was our custom by this time, and one upon which I depended heavily for some sense of normality, no matter that it was a mere illusion, but then, perhaps normality is always an illusion. Who am I to say?” (87).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created September 10, 2017.

“I heard the rattle of the priest’s rosary, and then came the fragrance of fresh-brewed coffee mingled with the sweetness of newly falling rain. 

It was an overwhelming and soothing moment—the close moist air of the New Orleans springtime, the sweetness of the rain coming down all around us, and the soft murmur of thunder far off to the right. I could smell the candle wax and the flowers of the shrine” (96).

“The priest raised his hands to give the blessing in Latin, In Nomine Patris, et filie, et spiritu sanctum, Amen” (98).

“I wanted to be alone with this book! I wanted to read every syllable of it” (104).


I’ll make you some good coffee. I make the best coffee. I make better coffee than Cold Sandra or Great Nananne.
... and set to work to make the coffee, as she had said. 
          Aaron rummaged for sugar, and in the old ice box, as she called it, found the pitcher of cream still fresh and quite cold. That didn’t much matter to Merrick, however, because it was milk she wanted for coffee and she heated it to just below a boil. 
This is the way to do it, she told us both. 
          The café au lait was strong and delicious. Five years among the Undead can’t kill the memory. Nothing ever will. I piled the sugar into it, just as she did, and I drank it in deep gulps, believing thoroughly that it was a restorative, and then I sat back in the creaky wooden chair” (120-121).
I wanna try this recipe! I'll make a separate post with this quote and possibly make a video on it. I tried it and it was delicious! I have decided to just take a picture of my cup and post it within this blog post. I did in fact follow the recipe. It is great with sugar!

I picked up my coffee and drank deeply again, savoring the taste of it, as much out of respect for her as for the pleasure” (124).
☕️ Yummy!

“I looked at a painting by Monet—one I’d come to neglect of late due to familiarity—a painting full of sunshine and greenery, of a woman at work on her needlepoint by a window under the limbs of delicate indoor trees” (140).

Madame Monet Embroidering (1875) by Claude Monet

“‘Don't condemn yourself so much for contacting her,’ he said with an uncommon self-confidence. He seemed earnest and, as always, forever young.

‘Why not?’ I asked. ‘I had thought you were a specialist in guilt?’

He laughed politely at this, and then again made a silent chuckle. He shook his head” (142).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created October 3, 2017.

“It was the love of Louis which had at times crippled Lestat, and enslaved Armand. Louis need have no consciousness of his own beauty, of his own obvious and natural charm” (142).


“Indeed, Merrick remained convinced all her young years, as I knew her, that reading was the key to all things” (148).

“He [Oncle Vervain] said you give up your dreams the longer you live, until you've got nothing.’

I [David Talbot] think I winced at those choice and truthful words” (164-165).

I agree with David on this one.

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created October 9, 2017.

“For two days afterwards, while imbibing ridiculous quantities of the delicious full-bodied Macallan Scotch, of which she had laid in several bottles, I tried to control Merrick, to prevent the journey from taking place. But it was quite useless. I was getting drunk over and over again, and Merrick was determined. If I did not give Talamasca authority and support, she would take off on her own” (175).

This paragraph was omitted from the audiobook. Maybe it has to do with the redundancy of the content within the paragraph.

“I saw faces about me which reminded me immediately of the ancient countenances of Central America preserved in Maya, and possibly Olmec, art” (179).

I know what David means here. You can just see the Mayan ancestors in some native or people who are from certain parts in that region.

* There is a horrible rip in the book’s page on 176. I need to tape it down. :( 😞

* I just had thought that Merrick and David remind me of that Australian television show called, “Bloom,” that came out back in 2019. In this flashback that David is telling Louis in the Rue Royale Merrick is around 25/26 years old and David was in his late sixties. It’s like how it is in Bloom because it’s like it is with Gwen and Ray, except for the berry thing and they’re not married to each other.

“‘The spirit who haunted this fellow,’ said Aaron, ‘was a tall woman with brown hair and green eyes. Now that does not square with our pictures of Cold Sandra or Honey in the Sunshine, does it?’

I answered no, that it did not” (208).

So, does this confirm that Merrick did kill her mother and older sister?

“‘I’ll spend the next few evenings with Lestat,’ Louis said quietly. ‘I want to read to him. He doesn’t respond but he doesn’t stop me” (212).

Awww! 🥹

“‘Oh, but I can't,’ he said, his dark brows knotting” (228).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created October 27, 2017.

“...his brows were knitted...He was gazing off, mesmerized and comforted, and his eyes were glazed and his face was softened and unchallenging” (261).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created November 6, 2017.

“I could never allow such a contact, let alone the possession of such a potent object by seers as powerful as Merrick” (262).

This sentence was omitted from the audiobook.

“...rise from her rocking chair and fly into his arms.

Every particle of my being was on alert for danger, and my heart was breaking in two. The room was dreamy and sweet with its vigilant candles.

And they loved each other, this pair of beings, Louis and Merrick, there was no denying it. I watched silently as Louis kissed Merrick repeatedly, as he ran his long white fingers through her hair. I watched as he kissed her long throat.

He drew back and let out a long sigh.

She came towards me, the red silk rustling as she walked. I caught her perfume. She put her arms around me and I felt the warmth of her naked breasts beneath the thin cloth.

‘Go now, David, please,’ she said, her voice full of gentle emotion, her face compassionate as she looked into my eyes.

Never in all my years of knowing her, wanting her, missing her—had anything hurt so much as this simple request.

‘Go.’ I repeated the word in a small voice. ‘Leave you both together? Go?

I looked into her eyes for a long moment. How she seemed to suffer, how she seemed to implore (beg) me.

I saw the terrible dismay in his expression.

I saw him swallow hard and then he nodded. It seemed there was much he wanted to say to me, and his eyes were sad and eloquent (expressive) of a deeper pain. At last he murmured in answer:

I turned to her. Her eyes were on Louis. She was as distant from me in these moments as she has ever been. I kissed her tenderly. She scarcely looked at me, returning my kisses as if she must remind herself to do it, as smitten (in love with) with Louis as he was with her.

‘Goodbye for now, my precious,’ I whispered, and I went out of the house.


I left the house behind me and walked fast, and alone, uptown” (272-274).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created November 10, 2017.

“...and that some night Lestat's soul would return to his body, because I needed him. I needed him desperately. I felt alone with all my years and all my lessons, with all my experiences and all my pain.


It was grief and regret—terrible, harrowing (upsetting) regret.


No, it was grief because they loved each other, those two, and I'd brought them together, and now they would have whatever might have belonged to Merrick and me.


I stood in the spring heat and in the soft dust, breathing in the scent of the mold and the red bricks around me, and peering towards the unwashed windows, beyond which  the streets, now much neglected, gave forth its few persistent and sorrowful lights.


I was unable to touch her, my hands hovering above her shoulders, and suddenly I gave in to the embrace with all my heart.


I cried out even as I held her tight enough to harm her, held her close to me as if no one could ever pry her loose. I didn't care if mortals heard me. I didn't care if all the world knew” (275-277).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created November 11, 2017.

“‘Harder, yes, take it from me,’ came Lestat’s low insistent command. He spoke in French now. ‘Harder, more of it, take it, take all that I have to give’” (286).

;) Finally! Some loustat! <3

“Louis stared at Lestat for some few minutes, his face blank, as it always becomes when he is in a state of high emotion, and then his features softened, his brows knitted, and there came the dreaded tears to his eyes. 


His eyes were shut tight, and he brought up his hand to hide his face from us. He was weeping” (296).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created November 17, 2017.

“He was silent for some moments, and I thought for a split second that I saw a shadow fall over his face. Then he gave me a warm smile and gestured for me to worry no more” (298).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created November 18, 2017.

“Lestat looked both stymied and infuriated. I could all but see the little wheels turning in his brain. There crept into his expression something utterly hostile and mischievous which I had certainly seen in years past” (304).

This quote is from my Google Keep note collection. It was created November 20, 2017.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A Tale of Brunch by Cassandra Clare

A Tale of Brunch by Cassandra Clare-Notes & Highlights

You can get access to this short story from Cassandra Clare’s newsletter.

Extract from her newsletter that was sent to me on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 9:18 a.m.:

Email Subject: Sword Catcher and some TMI bonus content!

Extra Content

And lastly but definitely not leastly: some EXTRA CONTENT!

Some of you may have read this if you had the special Waterstone’s edition of Red Scrolls of Magic. Otherwise it should be new — the tale of Magnus, Clary, Jace, Alec and their friends as they take on their most dangerous mission: finding a place to have brunch in New York. This is only for newsletter subscribers so the link will ask for the email with which you subscribe to this newsletter, and once you put it in you’ll be able to read. 

I don’t have the Waterstone’s edition of Red Scrolls of Magic, so this story is completely new to me! :D There are nine pages in total. Lol I also love how Cassie said “leastly” in her email! XD

“The day was a bit gray, and Alec had been dreaming of ensconcing himself at a cozy table and drinking cup after cup of coffee with his friends. Perhaps also having some eggs” (1).


Yum! That sounds like a good time right there, Alec! :P

And of course I made myself a cup of decaf coffee while I read the rest of this short story!

“‘All right, enough Shadowhunter business,’ Magnus scolded. ‘We've got our drinks; we should be toasting the man of the hour.’

‘That's also Shadowhunter business,’ said Clary.

‘Yes, but it's Shadowhunter business of a party-related nature,’ Magnus said, ‘and as you know, all party business is my business.’ Magnus raised his glass. ‘To Simon, the latest sucker to join the Nephilim!’

‘I'm pretty sure that's my line,’ Jace said. ‘I mean, not the “sucker” part. Congratulations, Simon, remember you aren't an unstoppable day-walking invulnerable vampire anymore’” (5).


Monday, April 24, 2023

Book Club!

I am so excited for this! This will be my first ever Discord book club! Yay!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief Full Comic

A gracious soul on reddit has provided me with the full graphic novel for Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief! 
A huge thank you to u/ZvsGrgs on r/AnneRice for sharing this file with me.
You can access the full graphic novel here.
You can also find it here. I've had it uploaded there with all the other issues!
I am so excited to finish it, finally! There are 175 pages in this full comic file, but there are actually 172 pages in the actual comic story pages.

The following are my favorite pages from the rest of the full graphic novel from Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief (one of my favorite books).

Page 116
« Mon Dieu ! » XD 👀
Look at Mojo in the bottom left panel looking oh so adorable! Awwww he is sitting down like a good boy! 😊
In that same panel I wonder if the W on the bank stands for Wells Fargo. Hmmm. XD
The bottom left panel is so cute! Mojo laying down with Lestat! <3

* Side Note: I think they skipped the rape scene entirely. That was good because I don't think anyone would want to see that drawn out anyway. 😬

Mojo is so cute! He loves Lestat! ♥️ ♥️

Side Note: I also noticed they skipped illustrating the part in the book where Lestat pees himself in his new mortal body. XD OMG I get it tho :P

I love how they drew Lestat's mortal body's eyes <3 They're so pretty!
I like how they drew the shadow of Lestat in the bottom right panel.
I love that small David panel.
I love the colors they used for the ocean waters! They are so beautiful! 💙
That first panel looks so pretty! 😍
Ooooooo 👀
Lestat is so broodingly beautiful in that second panel. I love the shadow on half of his face.
Lestat is too beautiful in that ponytail XD ♥️♥️♥️ Goddamn! Lestat in that turtleneck! 😍 *drools*
*sighs* *swoons* I loved to see Lestat's golden eyelashes.
:( Awww, oh Lestat always uses that small ball position when he is sad :(

* Side Note: I noticed that they didn't include Lestat flirting with David when he was in the mortal body. Why not?! >:(😡

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Review: The Master of Rampling Gate

The Master of Rampling Gate The Master of Rampling Gate by Anne Rice
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love how they drew Julie as such a beautiful princess!

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The Master of Rampling Gate by Anne Rice

This is such a cool easter egg! =D I mean it makes sense. They are in the right time period that they would come across the vampire family :D
I love the blood tears! And look at beautiful Julie! 😍

Review: Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief #4

Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief #4 Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief #4 by Faye Perozich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where is the next issue?

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Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief #4 by Faye Perozich (Adapter), Travis Moore (Goodreads Author) (Penciler), Michael Halbleib (Inker), Scott Rockwell (Colorist), Daerick Gröss (Cover Illustrator), Anne Rice (Creative Supervisor)

Nice cover!
Old!David looks so handsome!
I love that the antenna from the phone is going through Lestat's hair! 😍
This is such a gorgeous looking page! <3
A lil Lestat standing in front of the house awww
Head pat and Lestat's hair!
Beautiful and cute!!
Ahhhh so cute and pretty!
OMG That first panel! 🤩
Damn, Raglan! Why you gotta look so smoldering! ;)
I will never get over those golden locks!
Wow! Plus, an unconscious Lestat! 👀