Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief Full Comic

A gracious soul on reddit has provided me with the full graphic novel for Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief! 
A huge thank you to u/ZvsGrgs on r/AnneRice for sharing this file with me.
You can access the full graphic novel here.
You can also find it here. I've had it uploaded there with all the other issues!
I am so excited to finish it, finally! There are 175 pages in this full comic file, but there are actually 172 pages in the actual comic story pages.

The following are my favorite pages from the rest of the full graphic novel from Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Thief (one of my favorite books).

Page 116
« Mon Dieu ! » XD πŸ‘€
Look at Mojo in the bottom left panel looking oh so adorable! Awwww he is sitting down like a good boy! 😊
In that same panel I wonder if the W on the bank stands for Wells Fargo. Hmmm. XD
The bottom left panel is so cute! Mojo laying down with Lestat! <3

* Side Note: I think they skipped the rape scene entirely. That was good because I don't think anyone would want to see that drawn out anyway. 😬

Mojo is so cute! He loves Lestat! ♥️ ♥️

Side Note: I also noticed they skipped illustrating the part in the book where Lestat pees himself in his new mortal body. XD OMG I get it tho :P

I love how they drew Lestat's mortal body's eyes <3 They're so pretty!
I like how they drew the shadow of Lestat in the bottom right panel.
I love that small David panel.
I love the colors they used for the ocean waters! They are so beautiful! πŸ’™
That first panel looks so pretty! 😍
Ooooooo πŸ‘€
Lestat is so broodingly beautiful in that second panel. I love the shadow on half of his face.
Lestat is too beautiful in that ponytail XD ♥️♥️♥️ Goddamn! Lestat in that turtleneck! 😍 *drools*
*sighs* *swoons* I loved to see Lestat's golden eyelashes.
:( Awww, oh Lestat always uses that small ball position when he is sad :(

* Side Note: I noticed that they didn't include Lestat flirting with David when he was in the mortal body. Why not?! >:(😑

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