Monday, April 3, 2023

Review: The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roquelaure
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I read this on Hoopla to check it out. I didn't like it.

View all my reviews

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roquelaure (aka Anne Rice)

“Women come up to me at signings with babies in strollers and giggle and laugh and say, ‘We love your dirty books’” (Preface).

Lol I would giggle too XD

“As a feminist, I’m very much supportive of equal rights for women in all walks of life. And that includes for me the right of every woman to write out her sexual fantasies and to read books filled with sexual fantasies that she enjoys. Men have always enjoyed all kinds of pornography. How can it be wrong for women to have the same right? We’re sexual beings! And fantasy is where we can do the things we can’t do in ordinary life. A woman has a right to imagine herself carried away by a handsome prince, and to choose for herself as she writes, the color of his hair and eyes, and imagine his silky voice. She has a right to make him as tall as she wants and as strong as he wants. Why not? Men have always allowed themselves such fantasies” (Preface).

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