IWTV Movie Script
Louis looks at the stars. He is soothed by the breeze.
She spits blood at his feet.
Woah! For real? Damn!
Claudia kisses him on the mouth. She draws back, bites into her tongue, and when the blood flows, she kisses him full on the mouth again. He closes his eyes, receiving the kiss, and then he pulls away holding her.
Damn! Forreal tho? Ewwwwwbcjandbdjndndncnjs I feel weird about that!!!!! Something similar to this blood kiss happened in Blood and Gold with Marius and Thorne. I was like damn too!
Lestat tries to follow, but can only express a faint happiness at the sight of Louis.
Aohwhhh 🥹
He pauses before a Gericault. The Wreck of the Medusa.
LOUIS (V.O.) Every memory of Lestat I'd ever buried in my soul came back to me.
Oh, I'd never really forgotten him, but now he crowded everything from my mind. He became my obsession.
Now I wanted to return to New Orleans. Finally I could think of nothing else.
The idle dream that if he existed still, he might be there. And I wanted to see my home again. My city. Where we had been so happy all those years. It was a reason... for existing.
Awww so cute! I love this quote about New Orleans! 💜
One tiny candle stands beside him. He reads:
The Black Mask Magazine. 1929.
He reads aloud the second installment of Dashiel Hammett's, The Maltese Falcon
Come into my parlor, Louis, said the spider to the fly.
Hey! That's a The Cure quote from their song called Lullaby!
Loud noise from the street of TRUCK RATTLING BY.
Lestat shivers, covers his ears. He's terrified. He crosses his legs Indian-style and bends over.
LOUIS Lestat, it's only a truck passing.
Oh my gosh! I literally heard a truck passing by as I read this! That's so funny! Ha! XD
LESTAT Some night, something will rouse my curiosity. Give me a reason to rise and become the vampire Lestat again. But not you, Louis.
You remind me of too many things.
OMG! This whole scene is SO adorable!!!!! I love it so much!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
He holds the little Watchman like a treasure, singing in perfect pitch the words of MADONNA'S song.
LESTAT 'Like a Virgin, kissed for the very first time.'
Lestat, a skeleton in rags, dancing as he wears the earphones and holds the Watchman.
We hear a very THIN SOUND from the earphones: ROLLING STONES. "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." Lestat dances with eerie grace in perfect time.
as he does the modern Michael Jackson-style move to perfection.
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