Monday, August 14, 2023

Review: Pageboy

Pageboy Pageboy by Elliot Page
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book on Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 11:33 p.m.

View all my reviews

Pageboy by Elliot Page-Notes & Highlights

I wanted to read this book, so I bought the audiobook on It was like $10.

Then I found the ebook online and downloaded it on my iPad.

“The sound of the little sled brushing the snow underneath, the steady glide through the barren landscape, offered tranquility, a sense of togetherness. Shut your eyes and you’re flying through the universe.” (32)

Reading about his memory with his mother made be all teary eyed and cry because it was so wholesome and beautiful.

“A thrilling vacation, the apartment building, directly across the street from the Halifax Harbour, had a pool … A POOL!” (33)

I thought this sentence was so cute when Elliot read it! So sweet! ☺️

“The unraveling is painful, but it leads you to you.” (173)

“When home, I put on a Leonard Cohen record (not helpful) and smoked up the chimney (properly harmful). Why when hurting do we want to perpetuate the pain? Self-punishment?” (185)

“Ready to put some coffee on, I set down my cell and walked to the kitchen. PING!” (190)

I thought it was so cute how he said PING! ☺️☺️☺️☺️

Excerpt From: Page, Elliot. “Pageboy.” Flatiron Books. Apple Books.

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