Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Review: Fangirl, Vol. 1: The Manga

Fangirl, Vol. 1: The Manga Fangirl, Vol. 1: The Manga by Sam Maggs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finished reading this book in two days from Monday, January 30 through Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at ~ 7:25 p.m. I mostly ate while reading. I thought this book was a fun, light read! I also thought that it was so cute!!!

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Fangirl, Vol. 1: The Manga by Sam Maggs (Adapter), Rainbow Rowell (Author), Gabi Nam (Illustrator)

This is the book I borrowed from the library.

I though that this scene was hilarious! XD

I went to the library to return my copy of "The Mortal Instruments: Graphic Novel, Vol. 6" and while I was looking through Goodreads I saw a Manga of "Fangirl." A book I read before. I thought that was interesting, so I put it in my "want to read" list. I searched where I could read it, and the library has it! There are two volumes available. The third one is yet to be published. The Phoenix Public Library has volume one only (physically). But the Glendale Public Library has both volumes available physically. So I returned my old book and got the new one since it was there already. I think that's a big bonus where I live because I live in Glendale and Phoenix city limits are literally a street away. So close wow! XD I predict/think that I will finish this Manga in a few days because it's a fun, light read (I was right!). I was reading the first 95 pages while I was eating earlier. I kind of hate how Cath's roommate treats her. She looks really mean and the kind of girl I find annoying and who I would avoid at all costs. I hate her pretty much.

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