Monday, February 6, 2023

Review: New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend

New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend by Marita Woywod Crandle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That book was so fun to read and it was so interesting! I loved it very much! I read this book as an Ebook on Hoopla.

View all my reviews

New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend by Marita Woywod Crandle



“This book is for all those people from all walks of life who have somehow been kissed by the vampire” (Preface).


I just keep thinking that Marita is the perfect person to write a book like this!


Sometimes he recounted anecdotes of the court of the Valois or of princes still more remote, with much precise accuracy in every detail as almost to create the illusion that he had been an eyewitness to what he narrated” (Part Two: The Comte St. Germain, 6. The Courtier).


Valois is the name that Lestat used for his stage name when he was doing plays in his mortal life. He was Lestat de Valois. What if Comte de St. Germain met Lestat in his mortality XD I also read that Anne Rice was inspired by the Comte for her vampire books.

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